November 25

We’re going on a Carr trip! but with a pencil..

Hello! In this post I’ll be explaining what I just learned about drawing in maker class.

So we were all gathered into separate rooms (Carr and Herzog). In Carr we learnt how to use pressure by drawing our names 

For the second assignment we learnt how to make a sketch note and how to make them make sense. It taught me how to put my ideas into a sketch and visualize my ideas.

The third lesson was sketching a mug or any still object and so I used an empty can as my object. We also made a 3D robot and got to colour it using colours that represent certain emotions. It taught me how to use a reference image and how to shade 3d objects

The fourth lesson I learned was how to make 3D objects and landscapes. The landscape I chose was the view from my grandmas deck. This taught me more about how to use the watercolour brush and how to make layers transparent than the whole landscape part of it.

The fifth and final drawing we made was making a company and drawing our logo for it, for my company i made a candy company that specializes in fake fruit flavour. I named it fruity friends because the target audience is mostly children and younger people. My idea behind the company was really simple, I was craving a lollipop that you can get from dollar stores since I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid. it taught me how to use the fill tool and other tools in the app like the ruler and spray paint

if I had to do something like this with drawing and learning new ways to draw I would definitely want to. Since there were two groups doing a different project, our groups switched so now im in the other group named Herzog! in Herzog we learn how to take better photos so as soon as im finished all 5 lessons in herzog ill make another post.

until next time, buh-bye!!

November 19

Scimatics Board Game

Hello again and welcome back to my blog. Today I’m answering the question of “How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design?” I just did a project on this topic and for the project we made a board game in groups of 2-3 people. In my group i paired up with Andrew and Owen (they’re making a blog post on this too.) 

For this project we made a board game and we had to calculate probability with dice or cards. For our game we took some cardboard and put some blue paper over it, we cut out continents and put them in their places. We made characters with their own bonuses and cards for actions. Players would put their character on the board and disaster cards were pulled, if a disaster card was pulled and says your tectonic plate you loose a life. The last to survive wins.

i sadly don’t have any photos of the game right now but ill update this post when/if I get them.