Hello and welcome to my first TPol blogpost. This is very similar to my Mpol but this time I’m presenting why I should be transitioning from grade 9 into grade 10. We will be going over a series of projects and assignments that will prove that I am ready to move on to grade 10.
Declaration of Learning
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
I would like to start by talking about a project I worked the hardest on and felt the most satisfied with, my Scimatics Chemistry stories project.
During this project we were to create a short video using a story to convey how atoms react with each other and how different elements are made.
Halfway through the project, I took my trip to Mexico for winter break so I had to finish some work over there. I think the reason I feel this project worked out so great for me is because even when I was on vacation and was out in a different country, I still managed to receive an extending mark on storyboard which I worked really hard on.
Reflecting on my courses this year:
Include reflection from Humanities, Scimatics, and Maker
I believe that I have improved the most as a learner in our humanities course because I have shown that I can create strong work with others. However even though it seems all great, I experienced multiple “Successes” and “Fails”.
My biggest FAILs and Successes this semester:
- Enjoyment of most topics learned
- Creating quality work that I am proud of
- Controlling the amount of stress I put myself under
- Confidence with my overall understandings of the topics
- Time management
- Amount of effort compared to my grades
- Organization
- Finding proper enjoyment in some projects
I showed my best work during our “A war to end all all wars”. Like before, I had to layout what my comic was going to look like while I was away so I thought this would be a good representation of hard work. Even though I was given extra time to finish my final comic, I feel really proud about the drawings and illustrations I made to help convey my story.
⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️    Â
I feel confident that Scimatics is a great example of the ups and downs of work I have created over the year because I kind of felt like it wasn’t as serious as most of my humanities projects, which seems odd but I think that reflecting on it now and preparing for my future academic life is probably the best thing to do right now.
My biggest FAILs and Successes this semester:
- Completed work I am genuinely proud of
- Deep understanding of new chemistry topics
- Taking charge and finishing extra work
- Learning and presenting in new and different ways
- lack of teamwork earlier in the year
- Not feeling confident in my understanding of some concepts
- Prioritizing other work over scimatics, then not finishing scimatics work
- Time management
Like said beforeI excelled in “Chemistry Stories”. I demonstrated curiosity about the new scientific concepts, and used it to create some of the best work I’ve created yet. I efficiently worked in both a classroom and a sunny balcony to create a scientifically accurate and interesting animated video.
⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️              Â
The best work I have created in Maker was the documentary we created during “your first film project. I think I really developed many skills that I can use in my future and I’m overall satisfied with the video I created.
My biggest FAILs and Successes this semester:
- Developed many new useful filming skills
- Improved my visual communication skills
- Improved on working together as a team
- Trouble working with others
- Lack of communication with group mates
- Time management
⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️             Â
My Demonstration of Revision, Responsibility, Teamwork, and Production of High Quality Work
Be able to discuss your demonstrations of revision, teamwork, responsibility, and production of high quality work as a PLP learner
This semester, I have demonstrated multiple examples of revision, especially during my Maker “Your first film” project.
I believe that I developed a series of revisions while creating my documentary because although I made a screenplay I usually change things as I go. Even though I don’t have any hard proof of actual revisions, the difference between my screenplay and my documentary is massive. I actually think changing and revising my work as I go is one of my strengths because after getting multiple different look at my work, the better and better it gets.
Answering the big question:
Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?
I believe I am ready to advance into grade 10 because this year has definitely been an important one for me. I have learned so many new academic and non-academic skills that have helped me both in and out of school. For example, I learned that to create quality work, you need to set aside some quality time for yourself. As soon as I started doing that, I started noticing my work getting better and better. I plan to use the skills I have learned this year and use them to extend my grades next year, to help prepare me so that I can secure my chance of graduating into a university I look forward to joining.
Thanks again for taking the time to read/listen my tPol