👋 Hello my lovely readers!

It’s the moment I have been partially afraid for quite sometime now. My first Mid Year Presentation of Learning. Which will commence on Monday the 30th, scary stuff. Anyways, lets get started with the declaration.

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

📝 Humanities

We have done 3 official projects so far since I am not including our “Starting Up” project with Ms Madsen in early September. My favourite was probably Radical Innovations with Ms Willemse, in it we learned about a lot of new apps. Such as SuperimposeX or Things. Also we finally used Craft, personally I love using Craft and have been actually using it since around November for documenting as you can see.


⚡️ Power Play

Something I loved about Power Play was how much we used Keynote, I am sure some people did not like how much we used it. I did like it though because I felt like it allowed me to become more proficient when using it. One thing I struggled with though was including more content in my Keynotes because for the last year I just slapped the question of what I would be talking about. 

Fun fact! As of publishing this on January 28th of 2023, exactly one year ago was when I presented this. Anyways, I would then read the script I made for the specific topic. 

🔥 The Outsiders (note there was never a blog post for it since the project happened before we got our blogs).

Something I loved about it was the reading role logs, since everyone in our groups had a clear task on what to do. I found all of the roles enjoyable, since we swapped roles every chapter. Something I struggled with was the voice note for Keystone #3, I listened to it again recently and found myself being quiet and shy. To improve at speaking to a microphone I will practice by talking about things I enjoy such as Harry Potter, then hopefully I will be more prepared for next time.

🛠️ Maker

In maker we’ve done 5 projects/keystones, the first was the making of our Learning plan, (no blog post about it) then we did Becoming a PLP Learner, Making Interesting Images, Geek Out Blogging Challenge, The Winter Exhibition, Finding Fun with Drawing.

📦 Pandoras Box

The project I am most proud of was Pandoras Box, going into it I had no idea I would come out with my box looking this great!

This was a photo of my box from the Exhibition.

I think my greatest struggle with Pandoras Box was coming up with the theme statement, my first one was based on racism. Then a few days later I just had an epiphany at around 9:30PM and I immediately wrote down my idea for a theme statement before I lost it. Then after around 20 minutes of editing I landed on my final theme statement,

What does Avatar teach us about culture?
It teaches us that due to bonds their ancestors have forged there over the generations, living things can feel a sense of affinity to particular locations.

It all worked out in the end though.



📋 PGP (Personal Growth Plan)

I would include my learning plan, though WordPress hates me so I cannot.
(What I mean by this is WordPress did not let me attach it in this blog post, so I will include it in the accordion).

I will be speaking about some of my competency related goals I made for myself at the beginning of the year and my grade goals I set in my learning plan.

📚 My Competency Related Goals

I had 2 primary Competency related goals at the beginning of the year, One of my goals for a core competency is to improve my communication skills to the point where I can effectively convey my ideas and feelings with those around me. Another goal is to work on my leadership skills, so that I can lead a team effectively and efficiently. Finally, I want to sharpen my problem-solving skills so I can quickly analyze situations and come up with solutions that benefit everyone. These are just a few of the core competencies I am looking to work on over the next few months.

Another one was organization, before Radical Innovations I used Craft to organize things we do in PLP, and I still do. In Radical Innovations we learned to use things, I already had a good understanding of using it. Though I learned so much more about it in the days we focused on using things. So now with Things I can use it to keep track of deadlines and such for my PLP Projects and day to day life.

I think I have completed my goal of being more organized, I have also advanced closer to completing my communication based goal. Though there is still work to be done on it.

💯 My Grade Goals for my PLP Classes

In my Learning Plan I set my goal in Maker to Extending, because when I had ADST (Applied Design, Skills & Technologies) last year I loved it! It never even felt like school for me, one of our projects was making a stitched monster.

For the other 2 PLP Classes, Humanities and Science. I set my Grade Goals to Accomplished, I did that because I was not to sure how different the 2 Classes would be from “regular” Humanities and Science Classes would be. Now that I am around half way through the school year. I have decided that I want to start having the goal of being Extending in Humanities, because though it will be extra work I am willing to do the work and I am excited for learning about Pirates with Ms Madsen.

For Science, since I have not had it yet I will speak about it at my TPoL. We’ll see how I do at Small but Mighty which will be our first science project.


📊 How could I grow as a learner?

Something I know is a field for me to grow in is focusing on school work outside of class at Seycove. I’ve found it quite hard to working in places like the caf, library, etc. Which is why I prefer to work on it at home. Something I could do for that is just leaving small bits of work to do, nothing to hard just simple small parts of work. Then slowly overtime getting to the point where I can truly “work” at Seycove outside of class. 

🏁 Conclusion

I have learned a lot about myself this semester and I have worked hard to become the best student I can be. I have improved my work ethic and am proud of my growth. I am and will work to improve my camera/microphone shyness and have set goals for myself in my Things. I am looking forward to the rest of the year and will continue to push myself and stay motivated. Thank you for listening and I am always willing to have an open conversation about my learning.