We’re not gonna talk about how I filmed my video (it was not a very safe way)…

Hello Everybody!

Over the last few weeks, our latest Humanities project has been “In the Name of Nationalism” it will be our precursor to our WW1 project which is up next!

The goal of this project was to understand cause and consequence which can lead us to understanding more of the complexities of the past. Therefore allowing us to analyze events and make informed interpretations. With the end product being an educational video where we delve into the nationalism of a specific country. Here’s my video:

My country was Britain, so as you can imagine I focused on British Nationalism. For some of the project itself, we focused on researching the nationalism of our countries. Whilst learning about ways we can structure our videos, how to properly accredit sources, etc.

During this project, there was one primary competency we focused on:


I can evaluate ethical implications and make complex judgements while identifying and respecting diverse communities.”.

This competency was apparent throughout the research process as we had to make decisions on what information to include, how to present it in a way that would effectively show British Nationalism. As we also had a period of time where we were refining our research and beginning to create the structure of our videos.

This was also apparent throughout our research where we got to further understand the decisions of others in the past. As some of the decisions that were made back then often had several reasons, some being less apparent then others, whilst still having a significant outcome.

One challenge I faced myself was what to include, as though British Nationalism was one of the easier cases of nationalism to study compared to some others. Britain’s Nationalism was often connected with other countries, such as India. Which led me to be more thoughtful in my approach to presenting the information.

Now to answer the projects driving question, which I almost forgot to do:

How has Nationalism’s influence shaped the global structure?

Due to Nationalism’s tendency to affect the decision making of people, it has had a significant impact on the global structure. Nationalism can lead to actions that benefit the interests of a particular nation over others, as an example, which can create tensions and conflicts between countries. Which can result in many occurrences such as military conflicts.

Overall, I liked this project, since I feel like it wasn’t to heavy on lectures and days of just listening to the teacher talk. Since as we all know, those days can be very boring. As always I liked how we had an opportunity to work with video, as I feel like when we do it allows me to add my own creativity and perspective to the topic we are studying.

I am excited to delve into World War 1 in our next upcoming project. My guess is that project blog post will be out in a month or so, until then I’ll focus more on my online classes! :D