For this blog post I will be talking about my latest project the PGP time machine. For this project we had to make something that represents everything we learned in PGP this year that would help our past self. Originally I wanted to make a book but I screwed up and mis read some big parts of the project and thought it could be sent back to any point in time but you can’t so in simple terms I screwed up but that comes later so let’s start at the beginning. The first thing we had to do was make a pitch form after I did that we had to be approved I was not this is that pitch form. I was a little confused and got distracted and forgot about it skip till about a week before it’s due and one of my friends reminded me about it and I talked to the teacher about a new idea a podcast and got started. The first thing I did was do a mind map to try and figure out what I was going to talk about.
After that I started to work on the script which wasn’t too hard then it was the hard part which was recording because it took a ton of editing to fix all of my mistakes. After that Was finally over I got the intro music put it together and was done. Overall this was very fun but there are lots of things I could have improved on for example I don’t think I followed the instructions quite right. Here is the script and the actual podcast