Take your kid to work day

For take your kid to work day we were given an assignment that assignment was to make a video documenting your day/ interviewing people. On take your kid to work day I ended up going to my mom’s office which I was happy about because it’s enjoyable there.

The first thing I had to do was plan my shots, who I was going to interview, and what questions I was going to ask them. This part wasn’t too hard since I had already been thinking about what questions I wanted to ask. The thing that was harder was figuring out who to interview and that mostly consisted of asking my mom who she thinks would be open to getting interviewed. The final thing was getting a list of what shots I wanted but just like questions I had been thinking about what shots, I wanted for a while so this only took like 7 minutes.

all of my planning done and it was time to actually go to my mom’s office and film. Once I got to my mom’s office I didn’t instantly start filming the first thing I had to do was double-check who I was interviewing. Once I had double-checked who I was interviewing I set up my stuff and did my interviews. After doing my interviews I went out and had lunch with the other kids who were there to take your kid to the workday. After that, I played some VR and went home.

Editing was hard because I had around an hour of footage and was only allowed to have a two-minute video but I made it work.  My biggest struggle when editing was probably the audio because for one of the interviews I had recorded the audio through an external microphone so I had to line up the audio with the video and that took a while.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed take your kid to work day and I think that this was a fun project to do. If I had to pick a highlight it would probably be talking to the Development team or playing VR.

Categories: PGP

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