Hey Y’all, Max here. Before I begin let me ask you a question. Do you really know what’s going on? Are you in control or do you just think you are? Have you ever considered that the powers that be don’t have your best interest in mind? If you’ve ever had these thoughts then great, […]
The things I do for this program

Hey Y’all, Max here. The latest project we ( kind of ) wrapped up recently is the PLP 12 Horror Project, Oh, the Horrors. I say kind of because we’re not really done, we’re pretending we are. Believe it or nor we started this is September. This feels like it was really two projects because […]
Spring Exhibition / BC FP Showcase 2024 Post
Hey Y’all, Max here. This will be my last blog post of grade 11 so I hope you, the reader, is mentally prepared. Okay, now let me tell you about both the Spring Exhibition and the accompanying project. The end of this year was hectic ( it’s summer, I’m writing this over summer 🙁 with […]
Cat and Maus

Hey Y’all Max here. As the school year comes to a close, the last project we did for Humanities was on the Holocaust. The Holocaust will become mandatory teaching as of next year, so I guess we were just jumping the gun a bit. The driving question for this project was “How can multi-modal communication […]
Tpol: Twenty-Twenty-Four

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]
Arizona/Nevada 2024: The Real Fear Factor was the Friends we made along the way

Hey Y’all, Max here. This post will focus mainly on the experience about half of PLP 11 just had in Arizona and Nevada. The project we worked on was ‘Fear Factor’ which focused on the Cold War in it’s entirety. I say just about half of PLP 11 went because back in October the other […]
George Bush shoe incident, 2008

Hey Y’all, Max here. It could be said that Canada, as a nation, is not as interesting as it’s friends down south or across the ocean. However, it is a world power and thus it has an influence in the modern world, dictated by a relatively functional and good government. And what type of Social […]
The Great Debaters // Winter Exhibition 2023 Double Post

Hey Y’all, Ma here. I am A great debater. I know that. But am I The Great Debater? That is where I draw the line. The Great Debaters Debate is an acquired and mostly environment skill for me. I will debate nonsensical and trivial matter with my friends ( such as whether monkeys in a […]
Atomic Dawn

Hey Y’all, Max Here. I did not go on the New Mexico field study so my post wont be quite as colourful as some of my peers. However, I have done quite a bit of work and research over the last month or so and I think it’s safe to say I know a lot […]
Quite Possibly The Greatest Advice You Will Receive In Your Life

I would like to say that I am fairly experienced with the ins and outs of high school. I have been through most of it, after all. While it is not without it’s challenges and expectations, if you are open to positivity it can be somewhat enjoyable. I’m not done high school, or PLP, myself […]