Category Archives: Stories

MPOL 2022

Hello teachers and parents, and welcome to my MPOL! This year has come with new opportunities, and new experiences, including our first out of country field study! 

(Introduce parents to teacher)

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

First, I’m going to answer the driving questions. “How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?” I’ve shown growth by pushing my comfort zone, and becoming more confident in my abilities. For example, in the “trust fall” activity at loon lake, I was doubting myself at first, but at the end, I had full confidence in myself and my peers. 

“How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?” I can do that by reviewing and updating it, to make sure I’m doing what’s best for my learning. Also, by setting goals that are attainable by the end of this school year. 

Now, I’m going to talk about my growth in humanities:

In humanities, we’ve completed 3 projects, ”GOLD”, which was about the gold rush in BC during the early 19th century. And “Ology of apology”, which was about different instances of mistreatment in BC, and how Canada has apologized for those actions. And of course our most recent project, “Romeo, Romeo, are we still talking about Romeo?” In which we recreated a scene from the play, with modern aspects….

My strengths in Humanities are being a leader in group settings, and assigning roles to others. Also, I’m good at communicating my thoughts and opinions to peers and teachers. I’ve show these traits in the “ology of apology” project, by voicing my opinions on what our memorial should be. Furthermore, I’m able to manage a lot of things at the same time. For example, different objectives, and being able to plan out my time effectively. 

Things that I want to work on are story-writing and storytelling. Earlier in the year, during the “GOLD’ project, we were tasked with creating a story about the BC gold rush. And at first I was pretty puzzled, and didn’t know where to start. I sook help, by asking my sister for pointers, and she critiqued my existing work. In all, that was a good experience, and I benefitted from that immensely. As the year continues, I want to build upon that skill, and enhance my learning. 


One change I have made so far this year, is my mindset on projects. In past years, I’ve had negative opinions on projects, and had a “closed mindset”. This year my goal is to become more opened minded, and be able to put myself out there, by learning about new topics. 

My work throughout the year so far has showed that I like to be different, by creating things that others don’t. For example, in the winter exhibition, my group and I created a video as opposed to creating a physical mural, which most groups did. I found that our video held a deeper meaning, and explained further the idea of our room. 

Now I’m going to talk about Field studies:

So far this year, we’ve been to loon lake for a learning advance. This experience centred around leadership, and working in groups. It was a rollercoaster of a ride, in which I learned about myself, and the PLP 10 team. During this excursion, I learned many interesting things; to not take juice for granted, and that people have more layers than you think. During the infamous “crossing the line” activity, I learned about my peers, and more about myself in the process. 

Looking forward, in the next month we have our first-ever out-of country field study, which will be at Disneyworld. I’m very excited to see what the learning will look like , and for all the exciting features, its Disneyworld! 

Next, I’m going to reference my learning plan. 

A part of my disposition is time management, and finding the time to finish certain tasks. Also, consistency, meaning in my PLP work, and being able to always meet the due date. 

For my habits, I reference staying on task, and not getting distracted by outside sources. And asking for help, from peers or teachers. 

To summarize, this year has been filled with good learning experiences, and opportunities for growth. My goals for next semester are to improve my writing, and ability to tell stories. I can do this by writing more, and regularly getting critique from others. Also, I want to have a better and more positive attitude in every activity/project we do. I can accomplish this by referring to the 7 habits from last year, and by looking at things with new perspectives.

Thanks for watching my MPOL!

Now I ask you, the audience, is there anything that I should focus on more, or that wasn’t;t mentioned in my presentation?

Chemistry Stories Post





Hello readers, and welcome back to my blog. 

Today’s post is about a project I’ve been doing in Scimatics 9, called “Chemistry Stories”.

This project was all about chemistry, and creating an animated video about covalent and ionic bonds.

The driving question in this project was; “How do the electron arrangement of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds”?

My answer to that is: that the electron arrangement affects whether the atom has a full valence shell or not. The electron arrangement also affects the overall charge of an atom.

To demonstrate my learning in this project, I’ll be highlighting the milestones/stepping stones that helped me answer the driving question best.

The first piece evidence that I’m going to highlight is the “project start mind map”. In this mind map we organized our thoughts and asked questions. We then later answered these questions.

The second piece of evidence that I’ll be highlighting is the textbook and workbook pages. Reading these workbook pages taught me about key chemistry concepts. Learning about these concepts was really important because they were a key part in creating the animated video.


The third piece of evidence I’ll be highlighting is the Animation Storyboard. In this storyboard, we layed out what was going into the final animation. 

Here’s what my storyboard looked like:



This storyboard helped a lot because it was an opportunity for me to receive feedback, and to see what I needed to work on. Mr. Gross noted that in covalent bonding, I needed to elaborate more on the sharing process.


The next piece of evidence I’ll be highlighting is Milestone 5, the final animation. To create this animation we used keynote. The goal of this animation was to explain covalent bonding and ionic bonding. A covalent bond is when two non-metals share electrons. An ionic bond occurs when one non-metal, and one metal exchange electrons. *The link to my animation is attached at the top of the post.


The curricular competencies in this project were: Communicating, Processing and Analyzing, and Questioning and Predicting.

Communicating: Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon.

I think I accomplished this skill. My animation had clear voiceovers that explained the bonding processes well. Also, my video had good music and Mr. Gross thought it really enhanced the animation. At the start of this project, I had a preliminary knowledge on keynote animation. However, I learned by watching tutorials and by asking others.

Processing and Analyzing: Construct, Analyze and interpret models and/or diagrams.

I think I accomplished this skill. I explained the ionic bonding process really well, and the animation clarified that process. However, I didn’t do as well on the covalent bonding. I didn’t clarify the sharing in covalent bonding. But, my animation was smooth and showed how the electrons were transferred from each atom. 

Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.  

I accomplished this skill. I used my class time well, and I was always on track during the project. At the start of the project I wasn’t all that interested in learning about chemistry. But now that I know the concepts it doesn’t seem that bad.

To summarize, I’m really proud of how I did in this project. At the beginning of the project, I had barely any knowledge about chemistry. However, I now know a lot more. I enjoyed creating the animation, but I think I could’ve enhanced its story a bit better. I think I was too worried about the concepts, that I forgot about creating a good story.

Emojis! Post

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog. Today i will be writing a story using emojis!

Ive never done something like this before, so this will be intresting!

To write my story, I will be using, which is a random emoji generator.

These are the emojis I got: 🍕😢🐈🍱😘


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. Jane had many different interests, however the thing she cherished the most was eating pizza. She enjoyed all types, pepperoni, veggie, anything! One day, as she was eating at her favorite pizza parlour, all of her pizza fell on the ground! She was absolutely devastated! All of a sudden, a stray cat appeared. The cat came over to Jane and started licking her hand. Jane then picked the cat up at started petting it. “Ill call you Smokey” said Jane.  Jane then proceeded to bring Smokey home and clean him up. That night Jane ordered Sushi for dinner. When she started eating, Smokey started meowing and seemed like he wanted some. Smokey ended up eating almost more sushi than Jane he loved it that much!


Smokey and Jane ended up having a great relationship together, and both shared their obsessions of pizza and Sushi!