TPOL 2023
Hi everyone! It is almost summer and with Summer comes the end of school and with the end of school comes tPOLS. Similar to mPOLS tPOLS foucas on our growth as a learner and about the years to come. Today I am going to be answering the question “Why do you feel ready to advance to the next grade level. I will be answering this question by reflecting on my growth as a learner over all of my classes, reflecting on the way I work, showing work from my blog.
Before I can answer the driving question I have to take the POL declaration: “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
Overall I have grown as learner if we take a look from my first project in PLP to my latest and greatest you can see a big difference.
Not only have I grown in terms of how my work looks but I have also learned independence and how to control my time wisely so that I can do a great job on school work and still be able to have fun. I am very proud of myself because I have met the goal I have set. In September we set learning goals and habits for me my learning goal was to get an A or a 🌈 and I have achieved that so I am very proud for that.
Let’s talk about my journey as a PLP learner. In the very begging back in September I was really nervous that PLP was going to be super hard and I was going to fail. However little did I know that it was a lot less stressful than it seemed. PLP taught me independence from going away for six days to finishing homework and creating schedules. PLP is a chance to understand your learning in the outside world and reflect on what you can do better. For people like me who like to use their hands and their heads to learn PLP has been perfect. It has helped me overcome many challenges and embrace myself as a learner and teach me how to be a better one. It has pushed me which has helped me learn my strengths and weaknesses which we are going to talk about next.
My strengths
I am defiantly strong at focusing and finishing my work wether that be in class or at home. This helps me a lot because if I have a lot of work I am comfortable doing it at home. I love to communicate which has defiantly helped me in group projects such as the last one we did which was the ad. It has also helped me present my work because I love to present which has helped me in the exhibitions and in general presenting. I am also very creative especially when it comes to designing which you can see in my ad and in projects such as my public health poster and character cards. My creativity and strengths when it comes to technology has not only helped me in my posters but also in my slides. The main projects that really show my strengths are:
Science Field Journal
If you click on the triptych it will take you to the blog that shows the most work I did.
My Weaknesses as a learner
Some of my weaknesses as a learner is that I can get very stressed very easily and start over thinking. Especially this last couple of days with the exhibition I was really stressed but I put my head down and got it all done. Although I hate being stressed it is always a very rewarding feeling when you get all the work that you were stressing over done. Other than that I am really happy with my working habits and I plan to continue them.
How I have improved
I have definitely improved as a learner because at the beginning of the year I was getting used to PLP and still figuring it out. Now that I have completed grade 8 I have started to figure out and understand PLP. For example I have gotten used to the 3 keystones and then a final project and I Have also learned how we are graded. All of these things have helped me be better learner because to be a good learner you have to understand.
In conclusion I am very happy and proud of my work that I have produced. I plan to continue with the goal of 🌈 and my working habits that I have planned. Thank You so much for reading this and I hope you have the great rest of your day.