Time Machine

Hi guys, Today I am talking about something I made that is called a time machine. This was for a school project where I had to make a product that I would send back in time to my younger self and it would help me with things that I might have had trouble with before. We did this in a class called PGP which revolves around goal setting, improving productivity, and improving your overall self. PGP has helped me improve the things that I struggled with and I wish that I’d known about it sooner. I decided to make a song regarding what we had learned this year and what I could do with it.

The first thing that I did was make a brainstorm of all the things that I needed to include in my song and figure out how my song would over all sound like. So I started with finding out what rhythms sounded good and which one would best fit for if I wanted to give information. As such I chose to do a pop sounding song.

Why don’t I tell you about what I included in the song. The main things that I am talking about have to do with goal setting and productivity. To do this I also mentioned the 7 habits that were from a book my class read earlier this year. This was about how to become productive by practicing the following habits. 1. Be proactive 2. begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first 4. Think win-win 5. Think first to understand then to be understood 6. Synergise and finally, 7. Sharpen the saw.

The next thing that I did was actually write the song. This was the hardest part because I had to make sure things actually sounded like a song while being able to convey the things that I want the audience to know. I am really proud of the lyrics because I think that they sound good and not only include what I said they would, but I’m telling somewhat of a story and making it easier to understand. One of my more favorite lines in this song is “Next up is four with a mind for the win, just be positive and think win-win that’s all you gotta do though it’s harder then it sounds. You can do it! Do your best! I believe in you!” I like this line because it is talking about the 4th habit (from the book “7 habits if highly effective teens) which is “think win-win” and I think that how it was encouraging at the end emphasizes that aspect. I also like how I put Number 4 first and then I wrote number 3 after because its kind of like a pun. Number 3 is to put first things first but since I put 4 before 3 it contradicts what the 3rd habit is.

I think that I effectively conveyed the things that I wanted to. In the lyrics you can hear the 7 habits, how to use them and why they are helpful it also tells you how you use goal setting and I think that it is also one of the main focuses because it is mentioned in the chorus. Also, although I didn’t directly mention productivity I think that it is a general idea that I have set around the whole song using words like “ hopes and dreams”,  “take the wheel drive yourself”, “more effective”. This is because in my opinion, the 7 habits are the stepping stones to being productive.


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