It Takes A Village To Raise A Child: Thanks To West Side Family Place, We Have Exactly That Overview of West Side Family Place: West Side Family Place (WSFP)was established in 1973 by two local mothers, Ellen LeFevre and Mary… Continue Reading →
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of disorder that develops due to the experience of a highly traumatic event. Anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts and recollections of traumatic memories are among the symptoms experienced by those who have been diagnosed… Continue Reading →
Hello blogreaders, School is out for summer! That year went by so fast but so slow at the same time. 3 years of plp and I’ve never experienced a exhibition so crazy and amazing at the same time. I loved… Continue Reading →
Hello blogreaders, I can’t believe it’s my 6th presentation of learning, whether they have been called SLC, Mpol, or Tpol, they were all trying to show you guys my learning. Since my last Mpol, I have learned a lot and… Continue Reading →
Hello blogreaders, Knowing what you want to be in the future is a really important part of planning. For the past month we have been working on doing a job shadow. I know I love art, even though it’s a… Continue Reading →
Hello blog readers, Our latest scimatics project has been about capturing energy. We learned about fossil fuels and solar panels, but now we wanted to learn how to capture natural energy. Our driving question was “how can we capture renewable… Continue Reading →
Hello blog readers, Wondering what this link goes to? It goes to a book I wish I had at the beginning of the year. Throughout this year I have learned a lot with pgp. Ive learned about the 7 habits,… Continue Reading →
Hello blog readers, Work safety is very important that’s why it’s one of our required courses this year. Youth are more likely to get injured in the workplace, in fact 34 young workers are injured everyday, so in this unit… Continue Reading →
Hello blog readers, Recently in maker class we have been doing something completely new for our career life education. Using my blue prints we were doing tests to learn more about who we are and career paths. For the first… Continue Reading →
Hello blog readers, Our second to last project of the year is complete. It was definitely something that had so many tasks and I’m here to tell you all about it. From the beginning to end, here is everything I… Continue Reading →
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