Back Into The Past

Imagine going back in time, all the way to around some of the most complicated and horrible periods of time. For the past couple weeks we looked at the world through a different lens, and we began learning all about the Middle Ages and the Crusades; which was pretty cool but it took a while.

The overall goal for all this learning is to create an all-inclusive source of learning, that then we could send to other students so that they could review and critique it.

Starting the project my teachers showed us plenty of videos which held so much information I could barely process. I think she taught us literally everything she knows because it felt like we sat in class for hours. But it payed off because for our project we had to put all that information into a keynote presentation, and what’s better when you’ve already heard and memorized it all over hundreds of hours. 

For my presentation on the Middle Ages and the Crusades I spent numerous hours working on because my time management is terrible and ultimately unfixable. The steps I took to making my presentations are first background check-what you already know, then questions and predictions and lastly researching on everything I’m wondering and don’t already know. Within my presentations I included my overall research as well as I added transitions, my own images so don’t copyright me and animations to make it look 1% less boring. 

  From this project I actually learned a lot mainly because it was intriguing to me. Learning about how life was, the feudal system and how it worked as well as with the Crusades, what started the wars and why and each religions beliefs. 

Overall taking a trip into the past was interesting; the style back then was very different than now, the food especially mattered on your social status and for me I don’t think I’d be that high, and lastly of course the learning part of it and seeing how the world worked during those periods of time, which weren’t very fun for everyone living in them. Also it wasn’t fun for me because someone accidentally poured their sewage on me while they were throwing it out, so that’s great. 


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