Welcome back to my blog! If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at my post on how these posts are going to be laid out from now on. Post.
So, what was this project? It focused on many different concepts like what an act of service is, how Canada was important in world war 2 and why the war happened in the first place. The driving question was: What role did the conflict of World War II play in shaping Canadian identity? This question is answered in my essay but here’s a short short version that considers the pieces not outlined there.
Canada played an incredibly big role in WWII, creating a sense of national pride and separating us from England as we established ourselves as a independent country. Canada is now known as a country with a strong military, leading to a sense of strength throughout our citizens.
The main competency for this project was communication, especially through different forms of communication. This was to be shown by living up to this statement from our project guide : I take purposeful action to support others and the environment, advocate for my rights, and take responsibility for my choices, actions, and achievements. I use my strengths to contribute to my communities.
We all used our strengths to contribute to our communities by dedicating 1 hour of service to the place of our choice. I spent a lot of time debating where to dedicate my hour to. There are so many place that have given me so much over the years that I want to give back to, but at the end of the day it was my elementary school that I chose. I have always been someone who values her education so it seemed fitting to dedicate this time to a place who has given me that.
Communication was something I struggled with a little on our last project. I often have big ideas that struggle to get translated into work that completely explains them. This is made harder to get the grades I want. The deep insightful ideas are in my head but I can’t figure out how to get them into my work in a way that makes sense. A big part of this is my time management. I wrote in VMV that I want to be better at self regulation and I wasn’t very good at this in our first project. In this project I did better.I chose a topic I am truly passionate about to write my essay on (read it at the end of this post). This helped me maintain drive throughout the project. I also outlined the essay in a way that worked for me in a MindNode instead of a graphic. Here’s my outline.
This was a suggestion given to me by Ms. Madsen in a conference at the end of the last project.
As for the aspects of my VMV I stayed engaged, participating in class activities like our reenactment of the beginning of WWII, demonstrating enthusiasm and curiosity by going in to tutorial for additional information and picking a topic I am truly interested in. I demonstrated Conducted and Integrity through helping other students with MLA citations and formatting unprompted multiple times.
At the end of our project, all of our essays were transferred into zine format to create one big class zine. It will be printed and then sent to the Juno Beach foundation and the Lynn Valley Legion. Here’s my contribution

See you after winter exhibition!