3: PLP winter exhibition ❄️

The PLP winter exhibition took place on Wednesday, December the 14th. The theme of the exhibition was the movie, Avatar. The grade 8s- including me, duh- created box’s called “Pandoras box”. Our task was to pick a theme from the movie- I picked corporate greed-, and somehow display your theme in a box. I think this exhibition was really successful. Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos from the exhibition.

Here are the things I think went well: We collaborated well, the older PLP students were great leaders, we all worked really hard on making our rooms look cool and making our projects effective, and we made good food. 

Here are a couple things that I thing could’ve gone better: I think somebody should’ve enforced appropriate break times, I so desperately wish we were allowed to sit, but I understand why we can’t. Some people just didn’t help, some people put about zero care into their food/activity, I wish their were more water fountains, and I wish we had a way to keep enthusiasm for the whole event. 

I know it sounds like this event was a flop, due to the ratio of good things I wrote to bad things, but, I think it was a good event, and I think the guests enjoyed it. I’m wildly excited for the future exhibitions, and I hope we get to do fun things.

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