Death to 2020, Week 12

Welcome back to my weekly blog post series. Today we are going to be looking at something I found over the holidays which I though related to the topic we are doing right now in class. Another thing to look out for is the third podcast I was able to make over the winter break. I had a lot of fun making that one. So here are some cool things from this week.

I’ll get straight to the part I want to talk about. Over the winter break episode I had to communicate to my audience why this pandemic has been so rough on field hockey players, I went through all the details of how my club members are doing and how they are able to keep on training. Something I found difficult to do during that episode was really let my audience know how much of a struggle it has been for these players, I know this has definitely been something I have worked towards getting better at but I still sometimes find it difficult to really give the listeners a sense of what was going on. Then over winter break I watched something really interesting that helped me with this issue a bit.

The “documentary” is called Death To 2020 and it highlights all the terrible events that happened in 2020. The facts were based on what has happened throughout the year but the people in the film were all actors playing people who were involved in important issues ( scientists, politicians, regular civilians, etc) . This sounds kind of weird but if you watch the film you’ll understand what I am talking about. The main thing I want to focus on about this movie is how effectively they communicated their message. They used real examples along with humour from the actors and narrator. When they combined them together it created a really funny movie that made us realized just how messed up 2020 was.

Some of the things I picked up on that helped communicate their message to the audience were things like talking about an important point, then reinforcing that point with multiple perspectives, then finishing the point with some sort of joke. This seemed like a very repetitive technique used throughout the film but it still worked well. The personality of the actors of course really helped throughout the film as well.

Overall I thought this was definitely a successful film that let the audience relive 2020 through the eyes of these characters. Their messages were strong and always caught the viewers attention as the movie went from serious to comedy in seconds. Personally I enjoyed watching it. I know these techniques can’t really be applied to my podcast as the listeners have no way of seeing what I am doing, but I think it helped me understand a little more what I successful communication between the person sharing the message and the audience.

That’s all for now.

2 Responses

  1. Petra Willemse at |

    I have not watched “Death to 2020” yet, but many people have suggested it. Do you think it appeals to a certain audience?


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