How to Grow Your Mind

Growth Mindset! You may have heard of it before, or it might be a completely new, but it’s always something you can improve on. Throughout the quarter, we have been doing a project all about the differences between having a growth mindsets vs a fixed mindset, and how to grow your MIND! 

If you have never heard of a growth or fixed mindset, let me give you a bit of an explanation. A growth mindset and a fixed mindset, are two different mindsets that we all have. People with a growth mindset believe that you can always improve, and that even though you aren’t good at something, if you put in the effort you will get better. A fixed mindset is basically the opposite, in which people would be born with a specific amount of talent, and no matter what you can not improve.


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Now don’t worry if the fixed mindset sounds a bit like you. We all have a bit of fixed mindset, and a bit of growth mindset, but that also means we all have something to improve on which was the entire purpose of this challenge.

We first started talking about grit. 

Grit (noun): Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term and meaningful goals. It is the ability to persist in something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles. This kind of passion is not about intense emotions or infatuation.


Grit is a the combination of many other good traits, like passion, determination and perseverance. Throughout the project, we talked about when we thought we showed grit, and where we could use more grit. For example, I think I showed grit while learning how to slack-line, because I had an end goal that I worked hard to get to. Another example could be this cat who tried really hard to get into his hammock.

We talked about many other ideas like beliefs, school, and persistence, but I think the main thing is failure.

The biggest thing that I took out of this is that failure is a part of learning. If all you have ever gotten in life are A’s, then you may appear smarter then everybody else. But everybody eventually fails, and when that happens it’s the people who push through and have a growth mindset that come out on top.

To continue with our growth mindset learning, we all set goals for ourselves and made goal selfies.

Here was my Growth mindset goal selfie👇.

We also made a Growth mindset journal with a bunch more reflections on mindset, and all the other things we learned.

👇My Growth Mindset Journal👇

the Growth Mindset challenge wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had, but it was definitely very useful, especially during Destination Imagination. Anyways, that’s it for this blog post.
See you next time,

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