Bears Eat Beets

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The texas project

When I heard that I was going on a school trip to Texas I didn’t know what to expect. Why we’re we going there? What could we learn? Regardless, from what the teachers were saying there would be a lot… Continue Reading →

A Story of Hope

  Attempt 2:  thesis: what is a story of hope? A story of hope is a story about how someone we can relate to overcame the impossible by having the resilience to never give up on what they could control…. Continue Reading →

What was the impact of the fires?

The “fire was already burning” project I just completed was a great success. This project was based on the hit song, we didn’t start the fire, by billy Joel. For this project, we each picked a topic mentioned in the… Continue Reading →

The Final Mpol

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We… Continue Reading →

Kids Books and Big Ideas

Today feminism is often perceived negatively because of the actions of a very small minority of people who attack men, and women who choose more traditional lifestyles. It’s important to remember that these people aren’t really feminists because feminism is… Continue Reading →

Success in careers 12!

Careers 10 was a class I didn’t enjoy doing, mostly because it was online, and because I felt like I wasn’t learning anything. I went into careers 12 thinking that it might be the same, but I was very wrong…. Continue Reading →

Horror is Awesome

Our horror movie project is probably the biggest and most challenging undertaking we have done as a class. In the past I have made many short films, and even last year we made a full movie of similar length. This… Continue Reading →

Richard Koch

  MLA works cited: Chief , Chuka. “Richard Koch.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 July 2022, Koch, Richard. “About – Richard Koch: Author, Investor, Speaker.” About – Richard Koch | Author, Investor, Speaker, 2020, Koch, Richard. The 80/20 Principle:… Continue Reading →


In life it’s easy to be scared. At any moment you could get attacked, injured, maybe even die. I think it’s fair to say that every person has experienced profound horror in their lives. So if it’s easy to be… Continue Reading →

CHINA and the end of free speech

Is our world becoming a utopian nightmare? Some experts and some not-so experts believe we might have to start worrying. In this project we began by reading about what a dystopian further might look like. Then we did some investigation… Continue Reading →

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