Constructing Creative Communication: Carr

So far in Carr we’ve been learning about art and our Apple Pencil. We’ve been learning how to use pressure, sketch note, perspective, and using colour. I drew my name in big bubble letters, a sketch note of my day, drawing of a shaded mug, using perspective in a landscape photo, and a brand name for a brand that we made up. So, how does this help us? Well, this helped us answer the driving question for this project. Why is it important to use technology to further improve our ability to communicate and to think creatively? I think it’s very important because in the world we live in now it is full of technology, and we learned more about how to be more creative by drawing and writing. And we learned how to communicate when we zoom called a professional designer and when we were trying to communicate a message when we were making our logo for the company we created. So, technology is a really important part in our lives and I don’t think we could survive without it.

I also learned how to communicate through drawing and sketch-noting. You can communicate by using arrows, lines, dividers, writing, drawings and speech bubbles in your sketch-notes. You can also communicate your through art by drawing a picture when explaining something or to help you remember something.

Here is my shading reflection. I took a photo of a mug and drew shapes over it, then drew those shapes into sketches. Once I drew the shapes into sketches I started looking at the lighting and the shading around the mug. Then I started to draw the shading. I only used the pencil tool in this and didn’t use the shading tool when I was shading.
This is my landscape drawing. In this drawing I put a photo in the background and drew shapes around all the main features of the landscape: road, road lines and the horizon line. Next, I started to use colour. First I filled in the road with grey and drew white lines on either side. Then, I drew the yellow lines in the middle slowly getting smaller to show how the road is farther and in the horizon. Then I filled in beside the road with light green then went over filled part with darker green lines criss-crossing to make grass. Next, I filled in the sky, used the spray paint tool for clouds then drew a sun.
Here is my sketch note. I added symbols, used different text sizes, used colour, and a clock with the times inside it to represent the times of the day that a certain event happened.
This is my logo. In this I used sketches and keynote. First to think of an idea I wanted to make a snowboard company because I like snowboarding and because we’re coming into winter. Next I tried to think of a creative name. After that I wanted the name in the circle. So I drew and centred the circle. Then, I drew a blue background and drew some clouds with the spray paint tool. Next, I put it into keynote and added some snowflakes and the words “snowboard company” and when it was established.

Scimatics: Tectonic Chances

How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design?

Thematics are a major part used in games, because if there aren’t thematics in games then there isn’t a game. Because without a theme then there is nothing for a game to be about just a blank board with a die. Mathematical elements are also a major part in games, whether it’s rolling a die, drawing cards, or landing on a space probability is involved. For example when you roll a die you have 1/6 chance of rolling a 4 on a 6 sided die which is math or if you have to pick up 2 cards and you already have 5 in your hand you have 7 which is again, math.

Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence

I used just over 10 science concepts with supporting evidence and our rules and game pieces explained them well connecting them to the science concepts. Our game pieces visually represented the science concepts we chose, for example name our game spaces with science names such as: slab pull, hot spot, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, fault lines, and a chance card spaces which have more science concepts on them.

Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest

During this project I used all of my class time efficiently by making game board pieces, writing our rules, or doing other assigned work. I also used my class time to build knowledge on science and math concepts.

Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving

Our game uses probability and says what chance you have to draw any card, land on any space, and rolling any number on a 6 sided die. I also put in 5 mutually exclusive probabilities for 5 different scenarios in our game.

⬇️Our game rules and board below⬇️

Game board
Chance cards

1. Die roll

2. Game spaces

3. Chance cards

4. Lives

5. Playing you’re turn

6. Winning the game

7. Game pieces

8. Probability

1. Die roll

• You have 1 6 sided die and you roll it and whatever number is on there is how many spaces forward you move

• You may also roll a die for a turn (chance card, or space)

• You have to roll a die in order to decide who goes first, whoever rolls the highest number goes first, go clockwise from there

2. Game spaces

• Chances- when you land on a chance spot you draw from the chance card pile, follow the instructions of the chance card

• Volcanoes- you land on a spot with a volcano on it, and you discover magma flowing through the mantle go back to the start and lose a life place a volcano token on the volcano space you landed on.

• Tsunamis- you land on a tsunami spaces and you discover a converging plate boundary caused it, you have to go back 4 spaces and do what the next space says

• Earthquakes- you land on an earthquake space and you discover a convergent plate boundary, skip a turn

• Hot spots- you land on a hot spot revealing a hot spot volcano, move forward 2 spaces

• Fault lines- you land on a fault lines spot, roll a die trying to figure out what fault it is #1,2 are a reverse fault, #3,4 are a normal fault, #5,6 are a strike-slip fault whatever number you roll is also the amount of spaces you go forward

• Slab pull- you land on a slab pull space, and roll a die to see how many turns you skip

• Layers of earth- you land on a layers of earth spot, you made a fantastic scientific discovery about the layers of the earth and the the temperature of the core, gain a life

• Continental drift- you land on a continental drift space, have reached the end of the world the continent you’re on will float you to safety, you win the game

• Continental – continental plates- you land on a continental- continental plates space, 2 continental- continental plates collided creating a mountain go back to the start

• Lose a life- you land on a lose a life space, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake killed you, lose a life

• Gain a life- you land on a gain a life space, you save someone from a falling tree in an 7.0 earthquake, gain a life

3. Chance cards

• Puddle of death or lava- You stepped in a puddle of lava, you lose a life

• Core of the earth- You fell into the core of the earth, roll a die to determine how many lives you lose

• Convection currents- You get sucked into the earth by a convection current switch spots with someone of your choice

• Transform faults- a transform fault appears and starts moving, switch spots with the person closest to you

• Smart- You tested a theory about tectonic plates and were correct, gain a life

• Lawsuit- You copyrighted a theory about oceanic plates and someone else used it, you sue them and win the settlement, roll a die to see how many lives you gain

• When you draw a card, after you’ve done what the cards says, put the card into the discard pile

• Shuffle the cards before the game starts

4. Lives

• Every player starts with 3 lives

• You can gain and lose life through chance cards and landing on spaces

• If you lose all of your lives you are out of the game and if only 2 people are playing the other person wins

5. Playing your turn

• You starts your turn by rolling a die

• Next you move as many spaces as the number is on the die

• If something is on that spaces you’re on follow the directions of that spaces, if not your turn is over

6. Winning the game

In order to win the game you have to either get to the end of the map or if you’re playing with 2 players and the other player loses all of their lives, you win

7. Game pieces

• 1 die

• 5 characters

• 36 chance cards

• 6 puddle of death cards or lava-You stepped in a puddle of lava, you lose a life

• 6 core of earth cards-You fell into the core of the earth, roll a die to determine how many lives you lose

• 6 Convection currents cards- You get sucked into the earth by a convection current switch spots with someone of your choice

• 6 Transform faults cards- a transform fault appears and starts moving, switch spots with the person closest to you

• 6 smarts cards-You tested a theory about tectonic plates and were correct, gain a life

• 6 lawsuit cards-You copyrighted a theory about oceanic plates and someone else used it, you sue them and win the settlement, roll a die to see how many lives you gain

8. Probability

• You have a 1 in 6 probability of drawing any chance card from the chance card pile

• You have a 1 in 6 probability of rolling any number on the die

• You have a 6 in 30 chance of landing on a chance space

• You have a 2 in 30 of chance landing on a earthquake space

• You have a 2 in 30 chance of landing on hot spot

• You have a 2 in 30 chance of landing on fault line

• You have a 3 in 30 chance of landing on a tsunami space

• You have a 3 in 30 chance to lose a life

• You have a 2 in 30 chance to gain a life

• You have a 2 in 30 chance to land on layers of earth

• You have a 2 in 30 chance to land on slab pull

• You have a 3 in 30 chance to land on a volcano spot

• You have a 1 in 30 chance of landing on continental drift

• You have a 1 in 30 chance to land on the start space

• The probability of rolling a 6 and landing on a chance space is 1/6 x 6/30= 6/180 or 1/30

• The probability of rolling a 1 and landing on a earthquake space 1/6 x 6/2= 6/12 or 1/2

• The probability of landing on a volcano space and tsunami space 3/30 x 3/30= 9/900 or 1/100

• The probability of landing on a hot spot space and a slab pull space 2/30 x 2×30= 4/900 or 1/225

• The probability of rolling a 3 and a 5 1/6 x 1/6= 1/36

Becoming a PLP learner

So far this year in maker we’ve been working on a project called Becoming a PLP Learner. The driving question for this project was “How can I build and strengthen the PLP learning team?” And in order to answer that we had to learn more about ourselves and how we work in a team.

For this project in order to learn more about ourselves we were doing a set of workbooks called Big Life Journal. The Big Life Journal helped us learn more about ourselves as a learner and as a person. In this project we also did another blog post about a team member contract. In that blog post it included how we work in a team and as a team member. In order to learn how we work in a team we had to do some team challenges during the year so far. Those challenges included making spaghetti tower, stacking cups with some string, and trying to build the best tinfoil boat. After those challenges we had to write a reflection on how we did as a team member. Another piece of learning we did was a physical representation. For this we had a bucket with some craft supplies in it and had to make something that represented us and how we work in a team. My favourite one of all of these would have to be the Big Life Journal. This is my favourite because I definitely learner more about myself and had to really think for some of the answers, I also got to learn more about myself and my interests and learn some things about myself that I didn’t know before.

For this project as a presentation of our learning we had a public exhibition. During this exhibition we had to dress up, have a theme for our table group, prepare for what we’re going to say, make and perfect a keynote presentation and present in front of our parents and other parents. For my group’s them we picked a halloween theme with halloween decorations on the table with a black table cloth. For my group’s costumes we were wearing black pants with orange shirts. The orange representing joy, and black representing sophistication, also they were halloween colours. For the preparations I prepared by practicing at home and at school the day of the exhibition. For the keynote presentation we had to have a section for my team member contract, physical representation, big life journal, and one other choice. For my one other choice I did an about me section. My favourite part about this exhibition was the real life audience (parents and classmates parents). One thing I could work on in this exhibition was talking a little bit slower and and louder so I could be heard better through the mask.     

Advertising project

So far this year in humanities we were making an advertisement. The driving question for this project was “How does what I hear, see, and read, influence us?” To answer that question we had to make and advertisement to learn more about it. For this project in order to learn more about how to make a good advertisement we had to learn more about advertisements. To do that we made a photo library which was where we took photos of advertisements round our community and analyze them. We also made a historical media analysis which is where we looked at an old advertisement and analyzed what techniques were used and how they made that advertisement. Another thing we made to help us gain knowledge was a design principles workbook which is where we made lots of different advertisements about our business using lots of different advertising techniques. Now that we know all about making an advertisement we need to start making up a draft. See my slideshow on how I made mine

  • This is my first draft of my advertisement. In this draft I included one of their daily specials.
Now that I’m done my final advertisement I need to talk to my group about making a group advertisement and how we’re going to send it to our business (Arms Reach Bistro). Once my group talked we thought Mackenzie’s advertisement was the best. We gave her a few pieces of critique, then, we sent the ad to Mr. Hepburn. The feedback we got from Mr. Hepburn was to flip the image put the text on the right and make the background behind the text lighter. After we did that we sent the advertisement to the business. Sadly Arms Reach Bistro hasn’t responded yet, but, we’ve finished the advertisement anyway. My favourite part in the project was taking the photos for the advertisement because I got to eat this really good pasta, hot chocolate, and beet salad, and, it was free! In this project I think I did really well at communicating. Communicating with the business and with my group. One thing I think I could’ve improved on in this project was letting other people also do the work and not trying to do it all because I have team members for a reason. But, overall I think I did really well and I really enjoyed this project. 

So, to answer that question, everything we hear, see, and read, influence us this is because if you hear read or see something you will have an opinion on it even if you say you don’t, in your head you probably do. It won’t always influence us for the better, sometimes it’ll be for the worse. So, I hope that answers your question, How does what I hear, see, and read, influence us?

Check out my team members blog’s at Seth, Susan, Kadin, Mackenzie.

As proof to my learning check out my historical media analysis below!

Historical Media Analysis

Owen Grimwood


Name of Media: 

Print media advertisement 

Who created this message? 

Coca Cola.

What techniques are used to attract my attention? 

A happy family at the fair drinking some Coca Cola saying how good and refreshing it is.

How might different people understand this message differently from me? 

They might think that Coca Cola is a seasonal drink that’s only in the summer.

What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message? 

That Coca Cola will keep you happy and refreshed.

Why was this message sent? Profit and/or power. 

Profit. To get people to buy Coca Cola to feel happy and refreshed.

In paragraph form, who is the target audience of this piece of media? What is the message of this media? 

Families or married couples. I think this because the ad says it will keep you refreshed and happy. It also shows a happy couple in the foreground and another happy couple in the background. It also states that it’ll keep you happy when you’re “out with the family” or taking a break from work.