Hi is Randy again. Week four is a free choice, so I choose to write a post about how does what we see, hear, and read influence us. I think what we see read and hear will mostly effect us on how we think and how we do. Just like animals adapting to their environment. Looking at how most of the people doing thing will usually change the way that you usually do things too, and that is why having a good environment while you’re growing up is important because you don’t wanna learn bad habits from other people from your community. For example if most of your classmates have a bad habit, like spitting on the ground or something, and after spending a long time with them you might start spitting too. But that was just the bad part of seeing what other people did, some time you can learn good habits too. But again a good and positive community is important.

Hearing can influence people too, but mostly effect on the way you talk. Just like when your were a baby, you could only listen to others. After a long time of listening people will know the best way of showing their thoughts.(say I wanna eat rather than “blablabla”)
Lastly read. Reading books is what you do when you are older, but it’s always better to read more. Because it makes you knowledgeable, and a grown mind set.
Anyhow community that you are living in will impact who you are.
Hello, Randy. Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful blog! When I read it, I was reminded of the quote, “A man is known by the company he keeps”. People certainly bring us up, or bring us down—or we can be the one bringing others up/down.
This is a really interesting post, and I think it’s worth sharing—but could you take a few minutes to run a spelling and grammar check on it? Or, find someone who could proofread for you? It would make a huge difference.
I look forward to reading other great things! 😁
My name is Barbara, and I am a middle/high school Spanish teacher, and a regular commenter during the Student Blogging Challenge.