“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
Hello everyone, I’m going to start my presentation of by talking about what PLP is to me. PLP is a great program that really challenges me, I feel so much more confident as a learner compared to last year and years before. I am not a perfect fit to PLP in a way most people would think, I dont grasp every topic, I am sometimes not too good with devices, but that is why I chose PLP. I am challenging myself more than I ever would in mainstream and I feel great about it, I am learning new skills, being more confident and most importantly I feel like I’m starting to do better in this program. I like doing tests and worksheets because of how straight forward it is, but in PLP I’m learning how to think, create and to not only do the minimum to pass.
How did my D.I. Go?
I am proud of how I did in D.I. Because I really did well in the presentation, I was very nervous but in the end I managed to make it through with my group and we got 3rd. There were definitly things that I would change but first times are never perfect. Why do I think I did well in D.I? I showed up. I showed up and I worked with my group whenever there was a meeting. I was the only one that made time to meet up with my other peer when we tried to have our own rehearsal. I also am proud of how I turned myself around from a bad start to the project and had a performance where I didn’t struggle with the script or what to do.
D.I is definitely something I’m happy for, sometimes presentations are hard and confusing, but having classmates to bounce off of for help and just being there makes it more enjoyable.
What skills have I learned from di ? D.I. Taught me responsibility and to not delay big projects, because it can definitely help to be prepared and have things done ahead of time. D.I. Also got me closer to some classmates I dont think I had ever spoken to, which is helping me be more confident in school projects and meeting new people

What I’m working on improving for next year. This year I have learned the value of tutorial time. When I did D.I. We barely had any time in class but tutorial helped so much to get everything organized and ready. After D.I. This year I hope to keep going to school at 8:30 to get ahead, because working at home is more of a struggle for me and I prefer working in a school environment. Missing school usually messes me up for the project, because I’m doing so well and then I miss school either for a trip like before spring break or because of a cold. I will need to improve my ability to work at home or I dont know if I will make it out of high school, I am hoping to learn how to study and prepare more for projects the next couple months and next year
This year has been especially helpful for my writing skills, for example with our Louis riel multiparagraph response I learned proper ways to format paragraphs. I like writing but I always used to do run on sentences and too much detail on unimportant things until I learned about how to structure paragraphs properly. I didnt write paragraphs with a topic sentence a middle and a conclusion, I just wrote run on sentences without good structure but with this project I got got a new look on how to form paragraphs. What helped me was looking at every thing as a like a book. A book has a summary at the beginning, information and details in the middle and a conclusion. The louis riel project helped me see and understand this because of the excercise we did with writing in different colours for different parts and doing lots of critique and review helped me reach understanding.
Above is what helped what we used to do our colour coding and this is what I wrote:
In Historica Canadas Heritage Minute video, Louis riel was portrayed as a prophet that stood up to the government and a hero that helped the Métis people against the Canadian government. Louis Riel was a Métis leader and the founder of Manitoba. He was found guilty of high treason and hung. The video portrayed him as a hero because even when he was about to be hung, he was still defending the Métis and north west territory people. He said “the Métis are not birds” when the other person said there was no excuse for what he did, indicating that he cared more about the future of the Métis people than his life. In conclusion Louis Riel was portrayed as a hero for the Métis people in the Heritage Minute video by Canada Historica.
This year I have grown as a person from being more involved with work when in a group. Like I said earlier I showed up to all of our tutorials with my group for D.I. Even when other people didnt, I collaborated with my group mates out of school and tried to arrange dress rehearsals and practices. After all of this I have seen how useful tutorial can be for working on projects and I hope to be able to use more tutorial times to advance as a learner. If I do this then I will be a better group member and I will know how to contribute more without just following others.
did I follow my learning plan from last year?
I am making good progress towards most of my goals, but some goals that I feel I have achieved are: sitting without my friends if I need t get work done and I have better reflection skills. The skills I want to work on are healthier stress regulating tactics and learning how to work at home effectively