The power of geography

Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog, todays post is going to be about my latest project, The Power of Geography. The goal of the project was to make a multi touch Ebook. You will se my book later on. Everyone in our class except six people went on a trip to Alberta. Me and the other six learners who stayed home books our different. The entire project is based on the western part of Canada.

The driving question for this project is “ How did the geography of the west snap who we are today”

My answer to that question is the economy. The industry’s like fishing, or mining all played a big part in the wests economy. The four main industries are Mining, forestry, fishing, and agriculture. The west is known for theses things, the salmon was a big food source for indigenous peoples, that got turned into a profitable industry. Without these industries we would not have a top notch economy. The Canadian pacific railway was the first major way to get a cross Canada, or ship goods, and ideas. Without the materials the west had to offer there would be know railway. That’s why the economy shaped the west.

One of the first things we did for this project was make notes on the fives themes of geography, location, place, human environment interaction, movement, and regions.

This helped me big time with connecting the themes to pages of my book. When everybody was away in Alberta we did an assignment about the geographical characteristics of Canada. Without this I would not be able to connect anything in my book. Probably one of my favourite things I did in my time for this project where taking notes on the history of the west hers a slide of notes.

The main competency for this project is questioning. I demonstrated mainly by asking loads of questions. There was one point when I was making my book and I had no clue how connect the economy to random images in the area or connect the 5 themes of geography to a random area in the north shore, to get out of this brain slump, I asked questions during lessons and I really interacted in lessons. I also answered a lot of questions in my book.

The time I was really stuck was when we were connecting our books to what made and makes the west. For example I didn’t know how to connect the economy to a picture of Myrtle park, but I learned that there wouldn’t be a park if there weren’t trees cut down to make, that’s forestry which is an industry of economy. I was able to solve this by questioning.

The outline for my book was, 8 reflections, 5 special activities, my comic on geography, driving question and answer, and an about the author page. I was able to finish everything. Then came the preparation for our exhibition. We did this thing called speed dating, I know you probably think that’s weird but it’s basically you have a limited amount of time to present something and then your partner gives you feedback. This feedback was very helpful for me because I revised my book reflections. 

Then came the exhibition. We were put into three groups. Diversity, history, and my group economy. We each had a room where we setup tables and decor. The exhibition was very fun I think we could have added more decor, and I personally could have tried to attract more people to my table.

I was part of the intro group. Our job was to introduce the exhibition, we did this by making a video. Our video had lots of cool images and some nice slides and visuals. The music was nice but I think we could have worked on our voiceover, to make it better quality. Also we could have used different angles for our picture. Here’s the intro video.

Here are some things I did well during this project, questioning, communicating asking for help, and managing my time.

Now what you’ve all been wanting for, here’s my book. Thank you for reading

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