Hey and welcome to another blog post. A few days ago i participated in a PLP spring exhibition, which was my second exhibition. Our goal was to show our guests what PLP learning was like. There was the intro, PBL… Continue Reading →
Hi and welcome to my last scimatics blog post! For the past few weeks I have been working on a project in class called “comic cells.” The goal of the project was to research about either a disease or virus… Continue Reading →
Hey and welcome to my very last blog post for humanities! For this project we were learning about New France and the people and things that were involved. Our driving question was ; what did the establishment of New France… Continue Reading →
Hey and welcome to a more unusual post. If you have already seen my blog before you may have seen a post titled mpol, mpol stands for mid- term presentation of learning. So in this blog post I will be… Continue Reading →
Hi and welcome to another blog post! For the past few weeks I have been working on a project for scimatics called “ultimate design challenge” the goal of the project was to create an object in an app called Tinkercad,… Continue Reading →
Hello chaps and welcome back to another blog post! Since December we have been working on something called destination imagination otherwise known as DI. In the last post where I talked about DI we were about halfway through it and… Continue Reading →
Hi and welcome back to my blog! In this post I am going to be talking about our latest humanities project that we have been working on. We learnt about the renaissance and its most impactful people, societal changes and… Continue Reading →
Hey welcome back to my blog, in this post I’m going to be talking about the scimatics project that I have been working on for the past couple months. For this project we had to create a coded game or… Continue Reading →
Three whole nights away from home, with my classmates, and my teachers… Hey, welcome back or welcome to my blog! In this post I’m going to be telling you about my first ever PLP learning advance. My classmates (and teachers)… Continue Reading →
Hi, welcome to my blog! In this post I’m going to be talking about Destination imagination (also known as DI). So far we have been doing DI for roughly around a month or two. I was put into the technical… Continue Reading →
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