Hey there, and welcome back to another blog post!

In this blog I will be talking about the project that we have been doing for the past few weeks in our maker class. In this class we were split into two groups, one group was working on photography and the other was working on drawing. I was put into the drawing group where we learnt about a famous artist from BC, Emily Carr. We also learnt how to use an app called sketches, and the tools in it. We had to learn different aspects and techniques of art. I will now show you my pieces down below!  ⬇️


My pressure word art

My pressure word art

Our very first skill that we learnt was how to use pressure with the tools and the Apple Pencil, we did this to change the look of things and we created our name. I used the airbrush tool to create the different pressure so that I could make a gradient.


My sketch note

My sketch note reflection

The next thing that we did is we worked on the topic of doodling, and sketch notes! We watched a Tedtalk of a person talking about the power of drawing your notes instead of writing them. But at the same time we also had to be doing a sketch note on that Tedtalk, it had to include words, colours, images, guiders etc. This is my sketch note that I made of it.


My shading reflection

My first attempt at shading

My shading reflection

This is my shading reflection. For this assignment we had to learn how to shade. We started off by first making a shading grid, and we used a mix of pressure and the opacity of the tools to create a scale from darkest to lightest. Then we drew circles and used what we had learned to try and make it look like it had a shadow and certain angle of light coming at it. After that for our actual art piece, we had to grab a household item and sketch it out and then shade it after. I chose to do a mug.


My “beautiful view” perspective art piece

My first attempt at perspective

My “beautiful view” perspective

For one of our last assignments we had to try to use perspective, so we first started off by drawing rooms following basically a “line guide”. We drew our rooms (and yes I know mine looks terrible..) and then after that we got to pick a very pretty view that we like. It had to be a view from another place that we have visited though, so I picked a view from the Lake District in England. We had to use a reference photo and sketch the landscape and we had to make sure to use perspective.


My logo that I created!

My brand logo art

Finally, we had to create a logo for any brand that we made. I made a logo for a band that I came up with in sixth grade. For this art piece we could do anything we wanted with any tool we wanted, basically it was endless opportunities for creativity and ideas from our class. It was by far the most fun piece we did (in my opinion).

In the end this was a super fun class and I really liked learning about all of the different skills in art. I also learnt how to communicate and express myself creatively by showing that I can now do things that I couldn’t before, like sharing my work by still being able to be creative, like sketch notes or very quick doodles.

But that’s all for this blog post, thank you so much for reading and have a great day!