Hello friends, I’m back and guess what? This is my final high school blog post, so saver this one. Last week I finished my final PLP exhibition and it was a fun one. For the exhibition I chose a self improvement book to read, the book was The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck.
So, what can we learn from authors about achieving personal and professional success? Well that is what I have been trying to learn for the past few weeks. The answer I came up with is: if you want to improve yourself you can learn anything from books that you read. What I mean by that is that when you read a self improvement and you want to learn something from it you can take anything the author has written and apply it to your life. Well let me tell you about how I came to that conclusion.
First let me tell you what the end goal of this project was, my class was put into 3 groups of 5 based on themes of the books we chose so we could present a comic-con style book panel. My group was made up of 4 of my classmates Logan, Ryder, Josh and Nathan
The first assignment in this project was to choose a book. I chose Mark Manson’s book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck. It was an interesting and unusual read for me as I usually don’t read self improvement books or non fictions books. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck is described as an unusual and counterintuitive way of looking and and dealing with life. It proposes dealing with negative experiences by accepting them as a part of life and not trying to avoid them. Essentially what I got from the book, despite the title, is it’s about finding the right fcks to give. For this project I had to write a review so if you want to read that here’s the link and my short review.
After choosing my book and reading it I had a couple assignments to complete like and author bio for Mark Manson, where I did tons of research on him and made a very detailed page. Here’s the page if you want to see all the work I did for it, I’m very proud of it. Because every one in my class also created an author bio we decided that we should put them together for the audience members at the exhibition to appreciate our work. My friend Annie and I worked together to create a site that people could visit so they could get some more information on all of the books and authors. Annie and I have always worked well together, we always say if we were a combined person we would be unstoppable. We got all of our peers to send over their author bios and a short description of the books. After we got all the info we made it pretty and created a QR code so the audience could access the site.
Well now that you know what I did to prepare for the final presentation lets dive into how the actual exhibition went. At 3 o’clock sharp my class started setting up our assigned room, we had colourful lights, we had a giant projector, and we had loud music. When it was my groups time to shine I was nervous and the audience was full but my group and I walked onto stage and it went pretty well. We had good conversations, we spoke well, and we had tons of questions. The night went well and the audience liked us, and I am proud of my groups performance.
The day after the exhibition my class had a little discussion about what went well and what we could learn from the presentation. I was happy with how well we spoke together and I believe it sounded pretty natural especially closer to the end of the panel. Though I do wish we would have prepared more for question from the audience because there were many and I wasn’t totally confident in some of my answers.
Overall I’m so proud of my last exhibition it was so fun, I had many laughs with my friends and I know my family enjoyed watching me present. I did a lot of work for this final project and I’m happy to end my high school career on a positive note.
Well this is the end of an era, my final post about my adventures in PLP, wish me luck in my future endeavours🧡