Over this past month and a bit I have been working on a math project called the Ultimate Road Trip, this project asked me to make a road trip anywhere I wanted and only spend $10,000. Over the course of this project the goal I was reaching for was an algebra equation that I would […]
Category: Scimatics
Comic project
Hi everyone, for the past month i have been working on a project about explorers and diseases which suits right now because of the pandemic. What we were working towards was to make a comic book that explained how cells interact with bacteria, viruses, and diseases. The same as every project I do in PLP […]
Ultimate design challenge
The ultimate design challenge For the past month and a bit my class and I have been working on a project about surface area and volume that we called The Ultimate Design Challenge. You might be thinking how can you make a project about surface area and volume, we had a group of 3 people […]
Chemistry Coding 🧪
I have been working on a project in scimatics for the past month, the project was called chemistry coding. What I had to accomplish in the end was a game that showed the KMT (the kinetic molecular theory) in action, we had to code it ourselves and make it an interesting game. To make and […]
Mazer Tag
For the past month my class and I have been working on a project for an exhibition on December 19th. The project was making a right angle triangle with lasers but the theme of the exhibition was Star Wars so the project had to include some Star Wars traits, we had to make a Star […]
My tectonics book
In scimatics for the past week my class has been writing a book about tectonic plates to read to a grade 4/5 class. We were supposed to write a story that had 10 key concepts about tectonic plates and earthquakes. We read text book pages to find things to put in our book to make […]