You would think that learning about matter and atoms is common knowledge and is something that everyone should have learned in the fourth grade. Going into this project with that mindset did not serve me well. I instantly realized how much there is to know about something as small as atoms and molecules and how […]
A Long, Long Time Ago. What an eye opener! It has been nearly 530 years since the last sword stroke of the crusades but after all that I have learned, it seems like was just yesterday. In a time of constant change, history is being made every day. Just in the past ten years we have made countless incredible […]
Mid Year Presentation of Learning
So far this year I have not only grown as a learner but as a person. Before I started this post I began to reflect on the work I have completed up to now. I was astonished by how dramatically my work level had improved in such a short time period. I noticed that everything […]
Star Wars Exibition

What a month! I can now say that my brain is 90% Star Wars. I can tell you anything form the plot of the movies to why the Death Stars environment is un realistic when it comes to gravity. I have learned so much and I am so exited to share it with you […]
Mazer Tag
Hello! For the past while my class has been working on a project called Mazer Tag. I know you have no idea what This is so I will give you quick explanation on what this project was all about. “Mazer” is a laser maze which consists of one laser and multiple mirrors that the laser […]
Portfolio Blog Post!

As you know from my All About Me page I love to doodle and express my thoughts through art. For the past four weeks our PLP 8 maker class has worked on digital sketching skills to better future learning. In this unit I have learned so many new techniques and skills when using my Apple […]
Media: A Final Reflection!

Living in a age of change and technological advancements, advertisements are everywhere. From LED billboards to every social media platform you can think of, ads seem to devour our everyday lives. It is clear that what we hear, read, and see influences us on a day to day basis. Media is found everywhere from the […]
Going Coastal 2019

Going Coastal 2019 Click to read this book, made with Book Creator Hi! We have recently returned from our 2019 Oregon coast field study! The trip lasted five nights and it was packed to the brim. The trip grasped so many amazing opportunities and created memories that I know I will not ever […]
Plates That Are Bigger Than Continents?

Hello! For this post I will be reflecting on my learning of plate tectonics. The big idea is that the theory of plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains Earth’s geological processes. These plates aren’t the kind of plates that you eat off of, but the land masses that make up the earth and […]