What did European settlement mean for all people involved?


This project helped me to gain a further understanding of the relationship between First Nations and Europeans. I found this project to be quite difficult however, extremely enjoyable and educational. I discovered treaties, trading good and war that happened between First Nations and Europeans. The final video on the top of the blog was created by myself and my partner. I can’t wait to tell you all about the new knowledge I have required in the post.

Milestone Two:

Milestone two is where we learned how to categorized what has stayed the same or has changed since European and First Nation contact. This part project taught me how much impacts from the past impact how I live today. I should of had a better understanding of the assignment before starting the worksheet. This could of improved my final product due to understanding what I meant to write in each box. However, I think I did amazing on writing down others ideas quickly enough for the group to not get left behind. Overall this part of the project drilled down what events led to change or what event has stayed the same.

Milestone Three:

Milestone three was the first attempt by me and my partner to create a Infographic that represents European settlement. We were tasked to create an infographic using Canva and the notes we took on European settlement during class. One this I could improve in this part of the project is spend more time working during class and less time spacing out or listening to other’s conversations. However, I think that I did really well at improving the graphic show overtime. Overall, the revisions of the infographic helped me be able to create the best final product.

Core competences:

Identifying Continuity and Change: How are lives and condition alike over time and have they changed?

Overall, I think at the end of the project I fully met this competence. I believe at the start of the project I had a difficult time understanding what events counted as continuity and change. However, after we completed milestone two I understood through other peoples sections of continuity and change what it really meant. I feel this is best shown in my Infographic where I state in my continuity and change what I believed has stayed the same between Europeans and Indigenous.

Use evidence from Various Sources: How do we evaluate to decide if is adequate to support a historical conclusion?

I believe that I have somewhat met this competence. This is most seen in my infographic where I source all my information. However, in my infographic my part concerning first nation’s wampum belts doesn’t support the conclusion that has to do with demands of certain goods. Overall, next time I will try to read more closer and fully follow the competences.



Overall, this project took a great deal of time and effort to complete however, was very enjoyable. I learned so much about European settlement compared to the years before when previous teachers taught this subject. This project also made me consider how would things of changed for me if European settlement never happened. I hope we do more projects that had this amount of planning into the learning aspect.