Cooking cultures



cooking is something that I’m really passionate about. So for the student blogging challenge I decided to do cooking since I know so much about it. In this blog I will be sharing all about how cooking works and my opinions on foods from across the world. I hope you enjoy the rest of the blog.

Asian food 🍚 

I think that’s Asian food is one of the most untouched or specifically unique foods. It has its own taste. Asian food is often based entirely around rice no matter where you go India japan china even Thailand everything is based around rice. What separates the different Asian cultural food is the spices they use while cooking. For example there are two main curry Indian curry and Thai curry. They are separated by the spices they use. Indian curry powder is the very different from Thai curry paste. Indian curry powder is made up of turmeric coriander and other spices from India like that. Where Thai curry paste is made up of chilli and lemon grass. So each Asian culture is unique. The problem now a days is that things like sushi and Chinese food has been altered from what it originally was and a lot of the food is just a cheap western spin off from the original meal.

Italian food 🍝 

Italian food is really interesting because it basically is made up of food from all over the world. The most notable Italian food is spaghetti. Spaghetti was basically a remake of the Asian noodle. What happened was many explores like Marco Polo went to country’s like china and India in search of new ideas. One of does ideas happened to be chinas noodle which explores brought back to Europe and remade it to make spaghetti. What I love about Italian food is that it’s basically a really good experiment that helped create food as we know it.

Mexican food 🌮 

Original Mexican food is a lot different from what we see today. Mexican food thousands of years ago was made up of some really random things like mangos and other fruits to maggots. Old Mexican or Hispanic food isn’t for me. They even ate guineu pigs and others such things which I could not see me eating today. But when the Spanish came they found a lot of new plants like corn and avocado. They decided to make many new meals that we see today like corn bread tocos and guacamole. 


In the end I think there like 4 thousand more food cultures that I could have gone over but I think I go the main ones down. I think that all food has its own special way. I think food really shows the beauty of different cultures and what people can create from the land that they live in. With out food tons of good times and ancient traditions could not take place.

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