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User Guide klose

Brand: student, athlete

Model: Samuel Klose, IOS 20.07

Product Guide

Congratulations on your new student and athlete: Samuel Klose 20.07, normally referred to as “Sam” or the “Sammy”. Your new Samuel can do many things. The examples below is just a small sample of its power.

  • An energetic fun friend
  • Will encourage you in anything you do
  • Makes sure you do everything with the best of your ability
  • Will help you when you are confused
  • Will give you his best opinion on everything 

Getting started

Before you can your access your Samuel for the first time, you will need to become familiar with what he is capable of. He is capable of a lot of things and some of these things make him such as some of the jokes he says or the way he does things. If you are not familiar with his mechanics you might find him weird and too loud, but don’t worry, you’ll get used to it after a while.


Samuel is very easy to access when he is anywhere near you. If you are reading this then that will probably be school. He will commonly answer to anyone that screams out his name. You can normally find him at the beach or swimming hall after school. This is his usual hangout since he loves swimming. If you can not find him anywhere he is probably shut down at home, watching YouTube, and will not be accessible until something wakes him up from his YouTube trance. Sadly Samuel has been forced to cut down his normal visits to the beach and the swimming Hall due to Covid 19. We will explain more about that in the second paragraph, which will explain all about his special accessibility modes.

As most Gen Z students, the Samuel is accessible through social media. He has many different social media accounts such as Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Gmail, iMessage and WhatsApp. Samuel most commonly uses iMessage to chat but will use Instagram, Snapchat and gmail if necessary. When choosing your app to chat with Samuel, try to avoid Snapchat. Samuel doesn’t normally chat on Snapchat and will not return any unnecessary streaks. Samuel will respond within three to five minutes on Instagram and iMessage. WARNING Samuel will spam if not answered in under an hour.

Your Samuel is a strong believer in equal rights and wants everyone to be kind to one another on social media. Samuel will only follow you on any of his social media accounts if he knows you and does not like posting because he likes to feel private. His social media addiction rose tremendously when 2020 hit and scientists estimate that by 2025 he will have spent 3000 hours on social media alone.


Samuel has 4 primary settings: student, lazy person, energetic person and artsy mode

Setting 1: student

This is the mode where your Samuel may switch randomly to other modes. The Samuel is often distracted and can either change into his lazy or energetic mode when in student mode. He often will need your help to get back focused and ready to learn. In student mode he is busy doing homework, or doing work in class and wants to get his work done.

Settings 2: lazy person

When your Samuel, is in his lazy mode, he will either be found enjoying a nice bath, eating anything in sight, or watching YouTube on the couch. Lazy mode can happen at anytime of the day but is normally predictable. Lazy mode is often activated after swim practise or school. Samuel often needs an hour of lazy mode a day or else he may have a mental breakdown.

Setting 3: energetic person

When your Samuel is in energetic mode he is very hard to control. Boys turn to men when you control your Samuel in his energetic mode. In his energetic mode his voice is so loud that he does not need a microphone to talk to a crowd of 5000. This would be handy if he got the chance too speak to a crowd of 5000, but other than that you might find it annoying. Luckily, if you get Samuel’s attention and tell him to stop, he will, because he realizes it bothers some people.

Settings 4: artsy mode

In this mode Samuel loves to cook and draw. He often will be in artsy mode when he is hungry. When he is artsy he may force you to go to the store and buy items for him to cook. This may seem overwhelming, but the food is all worth it in the end. If you are cooking check if your Samuel is on artsy mode, because if he is, he will start cooking for you. He feels very strong about precooked meals and flavouring that has a lot of MSG in it. If you are using MSG in your cooking Samuel may attack, so be aware of what you put into your food.


This device may…

  • Break your ear drums
  • Get distracted at any unknown time
  • Have a very strong opinion
  • Get overly excited

Trouble shooting 

Problem Solution
You want to have fun Text or call Samuel
You think swimming is not a sport Have a debate with Samuel and you can then see your next answer
You need help with cooking If you need help cooking, I will give you as much as you need. If you need any advice for future cooking your Samuel will suggest a numerous amount of professional cooks like Gordon Ramsay on YouTube.
You need a suggestion on a good movie If you can not find a good movie Samuel will suggest any movie with Tom Hanks in it.

Tips to maintain optimal performance

Fuel with any meal that is home made and Italian.

Always give Samuel suggestions for new movies because he runs out quickly.

Play a game of among us with your Samuel to build a better relationship with him.

Encourage your Samuel to do better in anything he does.


When your Samuel has incurred minor injuries then it is probably best to try and fix him with bandages and others such healing tools. When your Samuel deals with more severe injuries he may scream or notify you. When this happens, you will need to take him to emergency care to get help. If he has broken his arm, he may not be as useful as normally. 

When he is emotionally damaged, then you will need to give him comfort. He is not normally hurt emotionally, since he’s good at dealing with anxiety. You have to make sure he is emotionally stable to prevent him from future life changing injuries.