My tPOL (transitional presentation of learning)
Thank you for coming to my tPOL presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth, and I will showcase evidence to support these statements. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
Over the course of this year in PLP, I have learned a lot, and though our tPOL’s are mainly about our work and learning this half of the year, I want to capture, evaluate and reflect upon my growth in this year as a whole. First, I would like to start off by talking about how my learning goals reflect on my work and grades in this past year, and certain assignments that reflect my growth as a learner. This will be broken down into my four PLP courses, which are Humanities, Science, Maker and PGP which is careers, though I wont be talking about Maker assignments much because I did not have it for the past half of the year. First, I would like to start by talking about my Humanities class.
My Growth in Humanities
In Humanities, I have set the goal of an A or a 🌈. I think I have achieved this goal, and one assignment I would like to highlight for my Humanities class is my travelogue assignment for my Blue eyed brutes in horned helmets project, which was about vikings, and eventually how that era sparked the era of exploration. I received an exceeding expectations in this assignment, and I am quite proud of it. My travelogue was the finish line, the final project to conclude the keystones. The travelogue was built on the 3rd keystone, which was a series of photos and on GIF covering different aspects of an important expedition led by an explorer of our choice with four explorers to choose from.
I chose Vasco De Gama, and my photos/artwork was about his expedition to India around the Cape of Africa. Our travelogues were the sophisticated version of this, with text to support images in a book document we made on book creator. The reason why I highlighted this book is because I am proud of some of the art I made in the book, and it shows my growth and competence in using my iPad to create work with a creative aspect, utilizing my knowledge and use of certain apps and features on my iPad. This is something that I feel has improved a long way from the first half of this year, specifically from my Maker class.
Areas and criteria for growth
Building on to what I said about my growth in being able to use my iPad to create work that is creative using my iPad’s unique functions and apps, I think this is a main reason I feel that I can move to grade nine-with more independent, and complex demanding work. It is because by being able to use my iPad creatively and critically in my work, and have the ability to do assignments and are more self-directed, with less boundaries but therefor more thought put into your process, I can have creative freedom, self expression and passion in my work, and if I can do all this, than I am ready to move up to grade nine. Of course as well as most of these competencies I am talking about being tested in more depth in grade nine, there are many other skills involved to the creation of self-sufficient, good quality work.
One of the skills needed is the ability to manage time well, and create time to do work, and use that time effectively. This is a skill that I have struggled with all year. And on top of already having a buisy schedule during this school year, I find myself procrastinating, and wasting time on my phone and iPad. This is a skill I think has improved throughout the year, and I think the use of my calendar app and the Things app has been much more frequent in this half of the year, for the most part.
My Growth in Humanities-Continued
Another assignment from Humanities I would like to showcase is my advertisement for Clark’s, done in The Medium is The Message, which was a project all about media, and how it can connect and influence with it’s users. I really liked this project, and how learning about media in two different keystones gave us insight in order to lead us up to creating an ad ourselves in a third keystone. This project held two important events that happened in the second half of the year, the Oregon trip and the Spring Exhibition. The third keystone of this project was a product of information gathered on the Oregon trip, like our interviews, as well as insight on how to create an effective advertisement.
I chose to showcase my advertisement not only because it represents two big and significant events of the second half of the year, but because it shows a lot of growth in learning how to make an appealing and informative workpiece not only for my teachers, but for the public as well. This project felt unique because it is the first project we did in PLP that incorporated real world experience and an interview with a business, and then becoming the topic for an exhibition-a showing to the public, which I learned a lot from. My advertisement is the product of the largest learning path we did in PLP this year, with the Oregon Trip incorporated near the beginning, the creation of our actual ads done next and then our Spring exhibition. Below is my advertisement along with the drafts leading up to it.
I think if I had maybe one more draft of this it would’ve been perfect, although I really liked the top half. That is why I think this project represents a bit of a time management issue, with the fact that if I had enough time to create one more draft, it would’ve been even better. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this project, and learned a lot about using Canva, and creating an advertisement, which is actually pretty complex. I would describe it as a creatively satisfying thing visually for an audience to look at, as well as being able to convey a critical amount of information in a way that will stick with your audience. By learning how to create an ad, I think I have become better at comprehending how and what information and emotions specific ads are trying to convey.
My Growth in Science
Science was a class that we only had for this half of the year, and I really liked it. One project in science I would like to showcase is my GIF for our Journey to the center of the earth Project, which was all about the process of continental drift, and natural disasters. I found this project super interesting because I always wondered how the continents drifted. We learned about the main people behind the theory and discovery of continental drift. We actually didn’t get to the final keystone of this project due to lack of time, so I decided to showcase my second keystone project instead, which is a GIF that I made on an app called FlipaClip, show continental drift. Below is my GIF.
I chose to showcase this project because I really like learning about the Earth’s biological and geological history, which all ties in to Humanities early history. That is a thing I like about Humanities and Science, it’s how they can both connect to each other when certain topics are covered, like natural and human history. The knowledge to learning both can be complementary, and give you more insight and understanding of each as you learn them.
so far I have covered my progress, growth, strengths, struggles and experiences in which I think have prepared me a lot for Grade Nine. Thanks For Listening!