Consequences of colonization!

Keystone 1-Perspective of colonization

For our first keystone everybody in class had to choose between 5 different groups of people(Missionaries, Wealthy people, poor people, indigenous people, and lastly fil de roie. My first choice I tried to get was Fil de Roie but I didn’t get it so my second choice was Indigenous people which I did end up getting! I’m glad now I had gotten indigenous people because I think there is a lot of really important information in how they were colonized and how it shapes Canada today. For the actual keystone itself, I had to answer 10 questions about I had to answer about Algonquin people, how they were affected, and how they lived. I learned a lot more about this group of people and I actually found this keystone really fun even though there was a lot of information I had too find for 10 full paragraph sentences.  

Keystone 2-Paragraph Outline

For keystone two, we had to create a paragraph outline with a main idea sentence, a quote, a summary, and 3 supporting points with 3 full boxes giving point form under each of the 3 points. The only full sentences I had to write for the paragraph outline were the supporting main idea senetence, the summary of the information, and the quote. So you would understand this was a pretty quick and easy keystone that didn’t really take a lot of effort to do. 

Keystone 3-Script

For our final script we had to work in our group with 1 person in each category(1 indigenous person, 1 missionarie, 1 fil de roie, 1 wealthy person, and 1 poor person). We had too work together to create a video representing each of our people/persons or our tribes/group of people, alongside answering two questions we made up, and lastly making an image for each of our things. To create each of our paragraphs for it we had to basically just summarize all of the information we have and just basically put it into a nutshell for our script and voice record ourselves. I really think our video turned out really well and the drawing I made was really well representative of what I was going for. 


Overall, i really loved how this whole project turned out and have learned a lot more about Algonquin people and indigenous people in general and really see how they had lived prior too being colonized, guring them being colonized, and after they were colonized. It was also really interesting and sad how too see how Europeans had spread such deadly diseases through there tribes and wiped out more than 90% of all indigenous people across Canada(as well as Algonquin’s). 

Our Journal Travelogue’s!

For this project our task was too create a journal type book as if it was an explorers called a travelogue. The person I decided too choose was christopher Columbus becuase we had already been learning about him and his journey prior to creating the books. A lot of other people had also chosen Christopher Columbus as there person to create there journal around. This project was really fun to do even though it took me a long time to finish my drawings. I really liked learning a lot more about how our world has been shaped and shaped so much because of these explorers!

Blog Post Bacteria And Vaccines!

The 3 keystones

Field journal swabbing the school

For our first keystone, our job was too find 1 or 2 surfaces we think would carry the most bacteria. I decided too choose the toilet seat and the door of the washroom stalls. We used a peatrie dish with agar jelly and swabbed the area and put it onto the dish. After a few days our bacteria grew bigger as it ate the agar jelly. My hopothysis was that I thought there would be more bacteria on the toilet seat than the stall handle. I was wrong, there was definelty more on the washroom stalls handle. It’s hard too see on the observation slide, but for observation 3 you can see the top area being the washroom stall handle having waayyy more bacteria. 


I think this was a really fun project and its something I’ve always wanted to try. I was really surprised when I saw that the Stall handle had more bacteria than the toilet seat. It was really interesting how we can see how bacteria grows and how it looks just from the naked eye, instead of seeing this bacteria under a microscope. 

My immune system characters!

At the start of this project when she was explaining it too us I honestly had no idea what i would draw to represent different immune system cells. She recommended making movie or TV charectors too represent each immune system cell, instead of just drawing each ones more accurate. After awhile of not being able to think of any characters that I think would represent them well I just decided too make them more accurate. After creating all of my little immune systems and giving a little more context for all of them, they were done!


In the end, I was super duper happy with the outcome of this keystone and i was really proud of each of the drawings I had created. I think they were really cute and cartoony but still was a cute way to show each immune system. We also had too give them names and little stories and I think I also made that really good. Overall, i was really stumped and confused at the start of this project but I was really proud of the outcome of this project overall. 

Vaccine source analysis

For our third keystone our job was too create a vaccine source analysis of different conspiracie theories of how vaccines can affect us. The three questions I chose were: do vaccines give us blood clots, do vaccines give us autism, and are there microchips in our vaccines. To make our posters we first had too find a template on canva, after finding one I than got my information and summarized everything I found. 


I didn’t love doing this project but it was still somewhat fun too do. I don’t think I tried very hard on this project when I think back when I definitely could’ve put way more effort into it and not have put such minimal effort into it. Next time I do a project like this or make a poster im definelty going to try my best too put more effort into it even if its a topic im not a big fan of. There was also some spelling mistakes I saw after submitting the project that I definelty should have saw before. 

My video game pitch!

Video game pitch reflection!

For this keystone we were told to create a video game on a coding platform(scratch being recommended). We then started brainstorming different ideas for what video games we may want to use as a reference and what we would want to have in it. For my game i decided to choose a type of catching game where you have to catch the protons and atoms and not get the electrons in the bucket. Some other ideas i was going to use was possibly making a type of obstacle game or maybe a true or false question game.


The first thing I did was brainstorm game ideas and map out how i was going to create it. I then decided to narrow down my ideas and choose a pretty simple game idea of just making a bucket game. It would have been very difficult if I were to make the whole entire coding platform so i looked at some other games on scratch to get inspiration. I chose a reference game that looked like something I can create,  I then remixed the coding on it and put it into the start of my game. I took out some of the traits in the game and some coding blocks and made little images for each of the pieces such as a bucket, atom symbol, proton symbols, electron symbols, and lastly finding a background. I then removed the old code for each of the pieces than added my new ones in. It was pretty simple same with adding the background in as well. Lastly my game was done and it was to include the caption and instructions into it.


I think at the start of this project I really didn’t have much hope in myself for creating and coding my own game, i had played scratch when I was younger a few times but I had never done anything like this before(such as making my own game) and I think I had a pretty negative mindset.


After watching some tutorials on how to code on scratch i think I had gotten the hang of it and have gotten more hope in myself. I started finding code I can use for my game and even making my own pieces and parts for it. 


At the end of my game I was really proud of myself for actually doing this becuase I didn’t really have much hope in myself at all. I also really liked the outcome of the game and overall it was really a fun project even though i really doughted myself at the start and I now have gained another useful skill!(knowing how to somewhat code on a scratch)

My game !