Blog Post Bacteria And Vaccines!

The 3 keystones

Field journal swabbing the school

For our first keystone, our job was too find 1 or 2 surfaces we think would carry the most bacteria. I decided too choose the toilet seat and the door of the washroom stalls. We used a peatrie dish with agar jelly and swabbed the area and put it onto the dish. After a few days our bacteria grew bigger as it ate the agar jelly. My hopothysis was that I thought there would be more bacteria on the toilet seat than the stall handle. I was wrong, there was definelty more on the washroom stalls handle. It’s hard too see on the observation slide, but for observation 3 you can see the top area being the washroom stall handle having waayyy more bacteria. 


I think this was a really fun project and its something I’ve always wanted to try. I was really surprised when I saw that the Stall handle had more bacteria than the toilet seat. It was really interesting how we can see how bacteria grows and how it looks just from the naked eye, instead of seeing this bacteria under a microscope. 

My immune system characters!

At the start of this project when she was explaining it too us I honestly had no idea what i would draw to represent different immune system cells. She recommended making movie or TV charectors too represent each immune system cell, instead of just drawing each ones more accurate. After awhile of not being able to think of any characters that I think would represent them well I just decided too make them more accurate. After creating all of my little immune systems and giving a little more context for all of them, they were done!


In the end, I was super duper happy with the outcome of this keystone and i was really proud of each of the drawings I had created. I think they were really cute and cartoony but still was a cute way to show each immune system. We also had too give them names and little stories and I think I also made that really good. Overall, i was really stumped and confused at the start of this project but I was really proud of the outcome of this project overall. 

Vaccine source analysis

For our third keystone our job was too create a vaccine source analysis of different conspiracie theories of how vaccines can affect us. The three questions I chose were: do vaccines give us blood clots, do vaccines give us autism, and are there microchips in our vaccines. To make our posters we first had too find a template on canva, after finding one I than got my information and summarized everything I found. 


I didn’t love doing this project but it was still somewhat fun too do. I don’t think I tried very hard on this project when I think back when I definitely could’ve put way more effort into it and not have put such minimal effort into it. Next time I do a project like this or make a poster im definelty going to try my best too put more effort into it even if its a topic im not a big fan of. There was also some spelling mistakes I saw after submitting the project that I definelty should have saw before. 

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