Consequences of colonization!

Keystone 1-Perspective of colonization

For our first keystone everybody in class had to choose between 5 different groups of people(Missionaries, Wealthy people, poor people, indigenous people, and lastly fil de roie. My first choice I tried to get was Fil de Roie but I didn’t get it so my second choice was Indigenous people which I did end up getting! I’m glad now I had gotten indigenous people because I think there is a lot of really important information in how they were colonized and how it shapes Canada today. For the actual keystone itself, I had to answer 10 questions about I had to answer about Algonquin people, how they were affected, and how they lived. I learned a lot more about this group of people and I actually found this keystone really fun even though there was a lot of information I had too find for 10 full paragraph sentences.  

Keystone 2-Paragraph Outline

For keystone two, we had to create a paragraph outline with a main idea sentence, a quote, a summary, and 3 supporting points with 3 full boxes giving point form under each of the 3 points. The only full sentences I had to write for the paragraph outline were the supporting main idea senetence, the summary of the information, and the quote. So you would understand this was a pretty quick and easy keystone that didn’t really take a lot of effort to do. 

Keystone 3-Script

For our final script we had to work in our group with 1 person in each category(1 indigenous person, 1 missionarie, 1 fil de roie, 1 wealthy person, and 1 poor person). We had too work together to create a video representing each of our people/persons or our tribes/group of people, alongside answering two questions we made up, and lastly making an image for each of our things. To create each of our paragraphs for it we had to basically just summarize all of the information we have and just basically put it into a nutshell for our script and voice record ourselves. I really think our video turned out really well and the drawing I made was really well representative of what I was going for. 


Overall, i really loved how this whole project turned out and have learned a lot more about Algonquin people and indigenous people in general and really see how they had lived prior too being colonized, guring them being colonized, and after they were colonized. It was also really interesting and sad how too see how Europeans had spread such deadly diseases through there tribes and wiped out more than 90% of all indigenous people across Canada(as well as Algonquin’s). 

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