My DI Journey – 2021-2022

Hello, welcome to or back to my blog! In this post I will be talking about a program grade 8-10s did in PLP. It’s called DI (Destination Imagination). You may be wondering “What is DI and what do you do for it?” Well I can answer that but before I do feel free to check out my teammates blogs! Charlie. M, Mackenzie, Cameron, Jessie, Max, and Keenan.


We started it off by choosing out of the categories on what challenge we were interested in. The challenges where: Technical: Daring Escape, Art: Tricky Tales, Improve: Festival Frenzy, and Scientific: Up Close. I got the Technical team. The first things we did was get to know our group and our challenge. Brief summery of our challenge:

Needed to make:

2 daring devices (one electrical, one not electrical), and 3 hazards that the daring devices need to overcome.


2 team choice elements and a feat of skill.

Once we had to present to the appraisers we had 8 minutes (To perform and set up), thats for every team.

For more informations check out my post that I made a while back about my challenge:

~Instant Challenge~

Normally we are given a sheet of paper and have to follow what it says for points. We normally have up to 4 minutes to brainstorm and plan out what we will do. We then normally have up to 2 minutes to present it to the appraisers.

If that was a bit confusing here is an example of an instant challenge:


~My Groups Process~

We first got to know each other then we learned our challenge. Once we understood what we had to do and make we started to design what they would look like. Once we finished that we set everyone in groups on what to build. For example some people would work on the devices while others would work on the hazards.

Once I finished working on and finishing the story and script we then started to memorize cues and lines. The hard part was making sure the devices would work on time for the script.

We had rehearsals outside of school and with school. (If I’m being honest none of them turned out as good as they should have.)

Near the end we also had to make a group sign (I made it with a bit of Mackenzie’s and Jesse’s help. If you would like to see a photo here it is:


~Tournament Day~

When it was actually time for the tournament I was super nervous. I have never done anything like it before and that scared me. Thankfully I remembered everything, the stuff and my lines. Since I have never done anything like it before I didn’t really know where to go and what to do once I got there. I feel like I could have been more organized that way. 

Check out our performance here:

(Ill post it when it uploads)

I feel like we could have tested out the devices and hazards next times bit more to make sure they actually would work when were performing. I also feel like next time we could have used more emotions into the word for instance (Not calling anyone out) if someone were to say “Hide!” they would say it with fear in their voice.

Something good we did was definitely our instant challenge during the tournament. Normally in our rehearsal instant challenges we wouldn’t even use the whole 2 minutes to present, but during the actual thing we used it exactly. I feel like we used more communication during that then we did during the whole project. We needed to communicate more.

Overall I tried to stick through DI but I never got to a point where I truly did enjoy it. I wouldn’t do it outside of school and I probably wouldn’t do it at all if it was optional. My group I had wasn’t really a strong group, not that it was bad, it was just hard to work with.Our group wasn’t good at communication so thats something we all can work on!. My group was hard to work with and I know that things like that happen, even outside of school, so its better to get used to it so it’s easier to problem solve! Hopefully next year I improve on communicating and I get a group that will try to improve too! But the skills I learned through it were great. For instance I learned that when you have a hard challenge it’s better when you have a strong group to work with.


If you want the website for DI here it is:

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