Welcome to another Blog Post! This is a very special post. In a couple of days we will be presenting to our parents and teachers about what has happened this year and a reflection on how we think it’s going. This is a stressful, but exciting part of PLP. Enjoy!

Here is a slideshow, this is pretty much what I had on the screen when I presented, to help me remember all of the projects I was going to talk about! ENJOY!

MPOL Blog Post/PLP Reflection

In this blog post I will be reflecting and writing all about my projects, and experiences so far in PLP, this semester. I will also be talking about the goals that I set for each of my classes in PLP, how I personally think I grew as a student, how I can flex my learning and continue to meet my learning goals until the end of the year. Also how I plan overcoming some problems I face in the future as a learner, and last but not least listing some of my strengths and weaknesses as a student.

My Learning Plan and how I assessed my self this semester.

In the beginning of the school year, we had to fill out our learning plan, so we could set goals for ourselves and try to meet them by the end of the year/semester. For humanities I set an extending, because I wanted to test my abilities and try my hardest. I feel like if I set accomplished for my learning, then I wouldn’t have tried as hard. I ended up reaching my goals so far this semester, however humanities is a class that happens throughout the whole year.  I think that the project for this class that helped me reach my goal was probably the Middle Ages slideshow presentation. I was proud of all the information that I gathered and i was also very proud of the way I formatted my slides, and writing. For my Maker class, I also set an extending, because I was pretty confident but I also wanted to push my self to the limit, and try as hard as I can to reach my goal, it ended up paying off. I think the project that helped me get to reach my goal was the avatar Pandora Box, I was proud of this because first off it was very fun to make, I also really enjoyed the concept of this project. I spent a lot of time on it, and the idea came naturally to me as soon as I heard that we could put stuff inside of them box!

Here is my Learning Plan goal that I set for myself at the beginning of the year!

Sorry some of the writing was cut off in the boxes.

How Have I Personally Grown as A Learner So Far? 

One main thing that shows how I have grown this semester so far, is all of my blog posts, I have done all of the necessary posts and I even added some extra ones, I normally post extra blogs about things I am passionate about or want to share with other people. I really enjoyed not only making my blog posts but also sharing my work to the public, I have never used anything like this before, so I find it very amusing. So far this year we have all been doing our work and then once we are all done we do peer critique. I have gotten quite used to accepting and using the feed back that I get to edit my drafts so they are ready to post.I personally grew in the recording and reflecting process as a learner this year through the blog posts that I have done. Whenever I start a new project I always think about my last one and the critique I had received to see if it could come in handy for the upcoming projects.


How Can I Edit My Learning Plan To Ensure That I’ll Reach My learning Plan Goal. 

Right now I am meeting my learning goals, so I think I can sharpen my learning plan by planning ahead for the subject that I haven’t learned yet. I believe that I can use my experience from this first semester, and possibly like list my strengths and weaknesses from it, so that I can take it and learn from them. For example, a few of my strengths this semester is trying my best, handing work in on time, and reaching my goals that I set for my self. Some of my weaknesses are leaving my homework last minute and rushing. I can also use my project planning skills to plan projects that will come in the future to become better with time management. I think that by practicing all of these skills, will help me be able to reach my goals, and hopefully exceed with them by the end of this year.

How Am I Planning To Overcome Future Problems As A Learner?

If end up with a project in a subject that I am not particularly good at, I plan on going to one of my peers that I know is stronger in this subject, and ask them what they think I should do to be successful in the making of the project. For example, I was struggling with this MPOL writing, because I missed the instructions and I didn’t even know what they were talking about. So I ended up asking a few of my friends who had already started or have finished theirs to see what they suggested for me to write about. So if I ever struggle with something like this in the future, I will go to another peer or adult and ask them to help me.


So overall, throughout this semester, I think that I grew as a learner. I learned knew skills like how to use different apps and techniques to stay organized and get everything done on time. I feel like this year I have gotten better at asking peers for help with things that I don’t understand. Even right now while I am writing this blog post I am reflecting on myself and my projects/experiences so far this semester. I am also thinking about all of the ways that I can stay this organized next year when I have even more homework! I am looking forward to the next semester in PLP, and how I will still try to meet my learning goals and how I will stay organized with the new apps and techniques that we will be taught. Thank you so much for reading this, see you in my next blog post!!

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