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Sven’s mPOL

POL Declaration

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

What have I done well at?

To set the tone for this POL, I would like to look back at my learning plan for grade 8. Showing multiple ways I would hope to grow over the year. But how well did I do at achieving those? Looking back now, I have stuck to most of these things I wrote, and I have done a pretty good job at acting them out. How did it translate to my learning? So far this year, the learning plan was something that I could use to grow. Staying true to what I wrote at the beginning of the year, I feel I have done a great job at developing a good work ethic, and I have handed in almost every assignment on time (with few exceptions) I would say that my work ethic has improved over the year and that I am much more equipped to finish assignments (meaning that I know now how to use the apps I am given.)

Moving on from the more broadness of work ethic, I will say there are a few projects that I feel I did a great job at! The first project that comes to mind for this was the radical innovations project, I displayed my growth as the project went on, an example of this is that I learnt how to do window notes properly!

Something challenging in this project which I overcame was the ethical judgements. At first it was hard to understand exactly what an ethical judgement was and how to make one, but eventually something in my head clicked, and it became clearer! Another reason why I think I did so well on this project was because of engagement! There was a part of me that wanted to learn and grow my knowledge about the renaissance times through this project. The next assignment I think I did well on was the Power Play project, surprise! I think I did well on this renaissance project too because there was also a bit of enjoyment in the assignments, even though I didn’t enjoy reading the book of the lion and taking notes on it, it was pretty fun to draw scenes from the book in my own style and interpretation, and when you have fun doing an assignment, you do better on it! This was the case for the role sheets we filled out, especially this one!

In the power play project I think I did my best job at explaining my answers and putting in my most effort on the assignment at hand, notably the sketch and tell. It was also a very important project for the rest of the year, working as a building block for things like our winter exhibition, knowing more of the history and about what was happening back then. Overall it was a project that I think laid down a solid foundation for other assignments, and was just important to learn in general. 

What I need to improve

This year, I have found a few things that I need to improve quite a bit. One of which is finishing late work, there are a few assignments where I was away the week we were doing them, but then I didn’t rush to finish them, instead of finishing them quickly to make it not as late, I just forgot about them and barely worked on them, and continued working on what the rest of the class has done. This is just a small piece of something that I need to improve on; Motivation! Because there are often assignments that I just downright don’t want to do for whatever reason. I feel like this is not so true for all of the PLP projects this year, but it has certainly been the case for a few. The topic of motivation leads right into something else I could be doing better; preparation. I need to be more prepared! What do I mean by this? I mean that when there is an assignment that is due in the future, I will not do it and let my work pile up until a day or two before I present it/hand it in. 

How do I plan on improving?

I think a huge factor of improving my preparation is thinking that “ill have to do it  anyways, so why not get it done now?” On top of that I can continue using reminder apps like things. I can also stick to my learning plan that I mentioned earlier, which is an outline for how I should be prepared/ready. Will I actually try and improve? Yes of course I will! This year I was only just getting a feel of everything, and I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing right or wrong all the time. But now that I know more, I can apply my knowledge and start to see improvement. Once again I would like to say that the sentence “ill have to do it anyways, so why not get it done now?” Will be something that I think will help loosen my homework pileup, and provide a good base for all my classes. Using things has also been something that has improved me since the beginning of the year, and not just for PLP classes! It has helped me keep all my assignments in check, and be able to get them done in time. Taking notes in class was also a bit bland and tough sometimes, but we recently got introduced to craft, which seems like it has a ton of potential and it overall fun and helpful to use. I can really see myself using craft until the end of PLP (and maybe even after.)

Things I would change about my work

For the remainder of the year, and the next years in PLP, there are a few things I want to change. Firstly I would like to work on my organization. The organization aspect of my learning… isn’t so good to say the least, and there are often times where I don’t know where I put a document, even though its so easy to fix, I’ve never cared enough to fix it! But I will work to change that. Using craft has already made organizing documents easier, with the use of folders I can have a section for each subject, and then within that section for the subject I can have sections for projects, and in those sections for projects I can have my notes and assignments. Using the things app is something I already talked about but, it is something that I use a lot, and will help me with my organization. 

How have I grown over the year?

Over this past year, I have already grown so much as a learner. I have been able to use and adapt to the new apps I am given, and make something good with them. Since the start of the year I have mainly improved on my leadership qualities and how to be a leader within a group. I have also picked up various tips or tricks to elevate simple things like a paragraph or a keynote slide, I have grown in this area and applied it to my more recent blog posts, where they’re more engaging to read!

Final words 

I still plan to grow further, and reach new goals that I wouldn’t even have thought of at the beginning of the year. Thank you for listening to my 2024 Mid year presentation of learning.

Published inPLP

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