Marketing me
Every day, your actions determine the type of learner and person you want to be. The way you act, and present yourself shows the type of person you are or want to become. The way we carry ourselves is important. In this project we discussed the importance of presenting yourself in a professional manner. How might I remain professional while still presenting my passions and strengths to the world. In this project we had a guest speaker, created a business card and resume, and ultimately presented our work at the 2024 winter exhibition.
The first benchmark in this project was listening to guest speaker Curt Scheewe come in to talk about professionally presenting myself to future employers. He highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence. Most employers are already expecting you to have the skills, they are looking for your ability to connect with people. Notice the difference between just simply talking and connecting. Anyone can talk but to connect you need to relate with the person and find a common interest. Curt’s presentation was extremely helpful and I will implement his strategies when I am being interviewed by employers.

Favourite notes from the presentation
With this new knowledge of knowing how to properly talk to employers I created a resume and a business card. The business card I created was meant to reflect who I am without having to be there. It includes minimal words but lots of design elements. Business cards should draw the attention of the viewer and I thought I could have done a better job at reflecting my personality in my business card. The business card I created was very simple and almost boring. Thinking of myself and then thinking of my business card, I don’t see much resemblance. I am not a simple person and there is so much more to me than just my favourite colour and my nickname. Looking back I wish this is something I would have done to enhance my project.

Business card
The last thing in this project was presenting our work at the exhibition. This exhibition was definitely one of my favourites. The project was about me and my passions and interests so it was easy to find joy in presenting my work. I was talking about the things that I love which made it enjoyable to present. I learned that when I can make a project relate to a hobby or a passion of mine the end result will have great success. At the exhibition I spoke clearly and confidently because of how well I knew my topic. I was extremely excited to present my project and share who I am to our community.

Booth design
This project help me discover who I am and what my future might look like. I found jobs that could turn my passions into a career. I am looking forward to see what a career in sports medicine or dermatology might look like. This exhibition gave me connections that will allow me to explore these career paths. I am super excited to continue my work in carries and continue to discover options for my future.
Syddy Giddy out!