About Me

About meΒ 

Hello! Welcome back to my blog! My name is Syd and I’m a PLP student at Seycove Secondary. PLP (performance learning program) is a project based learning program that is technology based.Β This is a collage that I have created to show you who I am.

Now for some things about me! In my free time I enjoy playing sports specifically hockey, softball, volleyball, basketball, swimming, skiing, and I want to learn how to snowboard! My two main sports are hockey and softball which take up most of my free time. I have played on the same softball team for 3 years now. I love everyone on my team and look forward to seeing them all. I have been playing with the same hockey association since I was 7, and have made some of my best friends.

Β I also love to travel and spend time with my family. Some of the places we have gone are, New Brunswick to visit my grandma, Maui to spend time together with the whole family in the warm, whistler to also spend time together, but mostly in the cold, and Disneyland/L.A where we got to experience the happiest place on earth! I am looking forward to going on many more amazing trips and continuing to see the world.Β 

I also love to bake and do art. I like to go outside and draw in nature. Also whenever there is a birthday for my family or friends I will make them a cake or some sort of treat if I have extra time. This is an animation that I have created to show you a bit more who I am!

Thanks for reading my first blog!