Sydnee’s reflections

“The sun’s gonna rise tomorrow”

Metaphor Machines 📜⚙️🔨

What do you get when you add revolutions, and Rube Goldberg machines together? Well, a lot of chaos and a very cool project to share with people at the winter exhibition. This project consisted of two main parts. Learning everything about our revolutions and building our machine. Once we gained a strong understanding of our…

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Third Time’s the Charm 🎥🎬3️⃣

Have you ever made a movie? If you have, I assume you know it’s hard, and if you haven’t well, it’s really hard. Coming up with a detailed, cohesive, realistic movie is where my group struggled a bit. In this project, we had to create a two-minute thriller. We had to come up with a…

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Loon Lake 🌲🛶

Driving up the long dirt road, with music blasting, I could only wonder what this week was going to be like. I wondered what I would take away, what would I learn. Would I enjoy the time I spent here? I will be completely honest, I didn’t really want to go to Loon Lake. I…

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A Day at Tiddlycove Montessori School

I want to start off by saying thank you to preschool teachers. I spent my day at Tiddlycove Montessori school, and I don’t know how the teachers do it! They are so patient and understanding, and although the kids are very cute, they are a lot to handle. So thank you, thank you to my…

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Hiking and Learning! 🥾✍️

Alberta was filled with hiking and learning! And yes I did put them in order of what we did more! In total we hiked around 40 kilometres. Now, this post is about what we learned not about the large amount of hiking we did. We went to Alberta to answer the driving question, How has…

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One Trip in Three Videos! 🚌🥾⛰️

Hello and welcome back to my blog! This is my first ever blog in grade 9 and so far it feels the same! This project is all about the videos we made in Alberta, plus one video we did at home! We had one and a half weeks to film and edit 4 videos! Now…

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Tpol 2023

Hello and welcome to my TPOL. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank…

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Spring Exhibition 2023

This years spring exhibition was called pathways. The goal was to show the path that we took to achieve the final product. In this project we were designing an advertisement for a business in Oregon. When we went to Oregon (See more about Oregon here!)  I interviewed someone that worked at the Astoria column. The…

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PLP 8 in Oregon 🌊

Oregon, where to start! Oregon is a truly beautiful place full of amazing things that we got to do! Some things we did went from seeing a gun library, to learning about the war, to learning how to make cheese, and just seeing the natural beauty Oregon has to offer.   It’s hard for me…

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Consequences of Colonization

In this project we learned about colonization. To start the project we learned in general about different people involved in colonization. Then each person was assigned a specific group of people to research. I researched the indigenous people but specifically the Iroquoian people. We had to learn about what really happened, and how people were…

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