Sydnee’s reflections

“The sun’s gonna rise tomorrow”

My Video Game

I loved doing this project! This project was all about matter! First we learned about mass, volume, and density. Then we learned about solid liquid gases and plasmas. From there we learned about atoms and the structure of atoms. In our final project we had to create a video game. The video game had to…

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Small but mighty

  Science is a new subject in my timetable this semester and I am very happy about it. Since January I have had science and we just finished our first project. Within this project we have done many 4 keystones. We have been learning about germs, and the driving question was how can our knowledge…

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Jacques Cartier

This was an interesting project. Our teacher, Ms. Madsen, got sick at the very begging of this project. We were stuck with a different sub every day for the first week. We didn’t really know what the project was about and all the subs were telling us different things. This was definitely the hardest part…

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My Mpol

What is an Mpol? About 2 days ago I had no idea what it was, now I still don’t know what it is. Just kidding. An Mpol is a midterm presentation of learning, it basically shows what I have been working on, what I wanted to, and did work on,  and what my goals for…

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The Renaissance and Me!

      The process of creating my triptych was both fun, and challenging. We learned how to use an app called SuperimposeX so we could edit ourself onto a famous Renaissance painting. It was very challenging to make the edit look smooth, so I decided to take the image into procreate so I could…

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My book!

Over the past few week we have been working with sketches pro to create fun drawings! We then had to make a book using those sketches. I decided to make a story out of it. See the story below ⤵️   Petunia And Her Drawings Click to read this book, made with Book Creator…

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  This being my first ever exhibition I think it went pretty good. This project was focused on avatar and the driving question was “what does James Cameron’s fantasy world of avatar reveal about our own society?” In this project we had use one of avatars many themes to create a box. I chose the…

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Making interesting images

In this project our goal was to create interesting images. The driving question was, how might I use the still image to create and communicate through technology. Over the past few days we have been taking pictures around the community. Once we had taken our pictures we had to put them in a slide show….

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Who Am I As A PLP Learner

Who am I as a PLP learner? In this project the driving question was who am I as a PLP learner. In this post I am going to answer that question. This was my first draft of the Memoji, I handed it in, and Ms. Kadi asked me to revise it. The goal of the…

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Hello world!

Hi my name is Syd! Welcome to my blog!

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