Hello everyone!
This isn’t a normal blog post because it’s not about a project it’s about the 2022 spring exhibition so this’ll probably be a little bit shorter of a blog post then my normal ones. You might be wondering what an exhibition is well, it’s a way for us learners to show our growth and all our hard work to family and friends. All the exhibitions have a theme and this years theme was basically about what PLP is. If you want to know know what we did for the winter exhibition check this post out.
This year’s exhibition us grade 8’s and grade 9’s worked together to create our part of the exhibition. There were five different groups and mine was beyond the classroom but i’ll talk more about that later. You’ll have to go check out other people’s blogs to find out what they did.
Like I said earlier the we grade 8’s were working with the grade 9’s but it was very hard to do that because we barley ever got to see the grade 9’s because none of us had a class together so communication was difficult to say the least. The grade 9’s basically did all the planning for our part of the exhibition and we just had to input some of our work and help set up the space.
The beyond the classroom section of the exhibition was all about what we learned out side the classroom. Our driving question (yes, each room had a different driving question) was ‘how do we make deeper connections beyond the classroom?’ And we answered that by showing the grade 8 advertisements from the medium is the message project and the documentaries made by the grade 9’s. Our most obvious beyond the classroom experience was loon lake so we had some tableaus to represent that (they were the laser tag we played and the battle archery). The other (and dare I say most popular) part of our part of the exhibition was the rope ferry thing. It was meant to represent the rope ferry that we used to get across the water at loon lake. Here’s a video of one the races i’ll explain how it worked after the video.
Basically how it worked was there was 2 skate boards and there was a rope attached to the base of each board the rope was then put through a pulley and then feed back to the person pulling themselves. If want more information I’m sure Fraser would be better at explaining it.
Here’s some photos and video from the exhibition:
(Our room)

This exhibition while a bit stressful was very fun and I got to meet some of the grade 9’s. This exhibition was a very good one and I can’t wait to see what the next one brings!
Thanks for reading – Sydney🙃