🌎💵Tourism And Its Effect On The West🦬🗺️

Hello everyone!

And… We’re back! This is the second post this year and let me tell you, it’s gonna be a fun one. Why? You ask well, dear reader this post is about the project called the power of geography and you know… Our trip to Alberta! It was so fun and I can’t wait to tell you more about it. 

This project was kinda crazy especially because half the class was away for a week then the other half left so it was all crazy but, we persevered. For this project we only focused on one curricular competency, the questioning one. I’m going to talk about how I used this competency in my learning how am I going to do that? Well… I’m going to tell you a story. 

Once upon a time I used the questioning competency because on the trip I asked a lot of question to the speakers and tour guides. I also demonstrated the questioning competency when I researched any missing information for my ebook for example I wanted to know when the golden skybridge (p. 20/21 in my book) was built so I looked it up. 

Everyday I would think about how in this project we had 3 different keystones which I’ll get to explaining later. The first was the comic life on the 5 themes of geography. The second was our field study observation photos. The third is descriptive writing on field observations. I know it’s been awhile so I’ll explain what the keystones are. Keystones are the building blocks for the project, you wouldn’t be able to complete the knowledge because they’re the required knowledge you need to understand all the information you’re getting. 

But one day at the end of this project we had a mini exhibition just like the one for the becoming a PLP learner project and it was pretty fun and we all dressed up as our answer to the driving question (economy, diversity, and history – I was economy) we also made a video for it, which I’ll include after my ebook.

Now onto the keystones!

So when your doing a project you need lots of knowledge like I mentioned above and keystones are a great way of doing that this was our first keystone and it was all about showing our understanding of the five themes of geography because they’re a vital part in understanding the geography of the west. Here’s my comic!

The second big thing that we needed to have for our ebook was photos so the next keystone was the first part of our multitouch ebook. It was all about making amazing pictures like in the Herzog project last year. This keystone was also a great chance to gather evidence to support our driving question! I think one of the best ways I showed economy here was through the river express photo because it shows how if we didn’t have an emergency fund then we wouldn’t have gotten home. Here are some of my favourite photos from the trip.

The last keystone is the second part of our multi touch ebook, it’s the part where we wrote about all our connections to the west and were we answered the driving question for this project. This is definitely the section that took me the longest to do but I think it was the most rewarding section aswell. It was the most evidence for the driving answer because it’s where I explained most of my thinking.  

Because of these keystones I was able to create an amazing ebook for all of you to enjoy!

Here’s my groups exhibition video


In conclusion I hope you enjoyed reading this project was pretty fun (especially the Alberta bit) people at the exhibition always asked me what my favourite part was and I honestly can’t answer that because I loved it all but if I had to choose it would probably be just, getting to know my classmates better cause you know, sharing a room can do that. I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading – Sydney🙃

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