Hello everyone!
Welcome to my second to last blog post. Unfortunately, I’m leaving PLP so this and my tpol blog post will be the last you hear from me unless I decide to come back in the next three years. This program has been a fantastic thing for me and I’m really sad I’m leaving but I’m also really excited to do more dance but, onto what this post is actually about. The spring exhibition and my last project!
This project was about Canada’s involvement in World War 1. The first thing we did was go to the MONOVA museum on Lonsdale so we could learn about how museums are laid out because we were making a museum for our exhibition. Some of the different types of ways museums display their exhibits are:
– Live acting
– Artifacts
– Models
– Info blocks
– Interactive exhibits
We learned a lot about how to make the exhibits exciting as well. Our evidence for this keystone was a reflection on the MONOVA museum and other research we did on other museums.
Keystone 1 – How Do Museums Tell Stories? + All Notes
The next thing we did was learn a ton about the war we learned about the different battles such as Vimy Ridge, Passchendale, etc… we also talked a lot about propaganda and how the government used it to get men to become soldiers and get others to buy victory bonds. Our evidence for this keystone was a contrasting paragraph, I chose to write about the myth and reality of war.
The final thing we had to do was plan the exhibition we all got put into groups based on our interests I got put into the advancement vs destruction group. I decided to make some models of what medical equipment/medicine looked like so I could show the contrast of how far we’ve come since then but, to also show that we still use some of the stuff we had back then. Here’s what all of my models look like:

Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the exhibition but I heard that it went really well! Good job everyone!
I really enjoyed this project and learning about World War 1 in general! I can’t believe that this year is almost over. I’ll miss writing these posts but, I’m glad I even got the chance to do this!
Thanks for reading – Sydney🙃