My Teamwork



How do I work as a team?

When working as a team I tend to take a leadership role most of the time. I think that I represented that through the drawing that I did because I showed myself leading a group of people. But leading is more than that so I also showed everyone holding hands because I believe that while not everyone needs to be best friends with the people in their team we all still need to support each other. In my Memoji I showed a bunch of my interests and I think that’s really important because I think that knowing a little bit about someone before you meet them in person helps reduce anxiety. I find that knowing something about the other person also helps you feel less vulnerable. When I’m working with a team I try my best to make sure everyone’s ideas are heard and validated. I try to help balance things out and mush ideas together when working as a team to help the idea of hearing and validating everyone’s ideas. I can be a bit of a challenge to work with because sometimes i can be really bossy, i know this but it’s very helpful when others point it out so, if you’re working don’t be afraid to just tell me that I’m being a little too controlling, but try to be kind to me I’d really appreciate it.


Here are some bits of my user manual that i think really represent well how i work as a team.


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