mPOL (Its like a tPol but not)

Y’all remember tPols at the end of last year?

Where you stand in front of your teachers and parents and talk about your work while silently screaming inside because you think everything you’re doing is wrong? But in the end it’s fine cause your teachers and parents aren’t super judge people?

Yeah that’s back in the form of an mPol (Mid-year Presentation Of Learning).

So for you today I’m going to talk about some work I have done this year, and also how I can grow as a learner for the rest of the year…



Has all the work I’ve completed so far this year met my standards?


An example of this is just my grade in Math in general.
If you look at our first project of the year in math, we created a card game. My card game was called “First To Twenty Four”. All of the work for it that I did, I thought was good and I was reasonably happy with it, but when put to the test it ended up being that my project didn’t work.


Currently we are doing Algebra and Linear Equations. Both things we worked on last year. My work with Linear Equations, while not quite up to my standards, is reasonable for my skill in math and I’m reasonably happy with it at the moment.
And then there’s ALGEBRA. Now in theory, I know how to do algebra. In practice… NO. Well, simple things I can do… but there’s this tiny hard-to-see line between “I can do that” and “what.”.


How Do I Plan On Working On This?

I am working right now on asking my classmates for help on understanding math.
Luckily I have some mathematically inclined friends. Now, the reason I don’t ask the teacher is that I get really nervous/anxious asking questions and I’m working on it slowly. I plan to be able to easily ask questions by the end of this year. I’m getting there.




What skills have I used so far this year and what skills do I need to continue to develop?

A skill I am reasonably proud of that I use most in Maker and Humanities is writing. Reading and writing are two skills I’ve been lucky to be gifted with.

Reading has come in handy for Humanities as we read many readings last term and have continued to do so this term. A few of these readings include––

The Martian
The Leviathan
-Idol of The Isle
-MooseHide Gloves


Writing comes in handy in PLP often. After all, where do you keep up with everything we have learnt so far? Our blogs (Learning Portfolios… you know what I mean). And what is a Blog Post filled with?




Last year when we were doing our SLC’s, I set a goal to be more of a leader.

And that went pretty well… for last year. I got working on being more of a leader and took the roll of keeping my DI team in check. I tried to make sure everyone was included during our Weapons Project for our This Changes Everything Unit… that was a definite challenge.


The problem was, when we returned from summer, I went unconsciously went back to letting other people do all the leadership roles. For Metaphor Machines that person was Alivia, for DI that person is still Alivia, for our Heritage Minute that person would have to be Luca J.


One of my goals for the rest of this year is to get back to taking on leadership roles.



If I could change something about the work I have done so far this year, what would it be?

We have done a lot of work this year. We went to Calgary the second week of school after summer, we have done 2.5 major projects for humanities, 1.5 major projects and one medium project in maker, 1 and 1/4 major projects in Math, and 1.5 major science projects.

We’ve read two books in humanities, written 8 (or 9) blog posts, have done multiple units and projects, played many a songs in band, danced some dances (or attempted to anyways), and succeeded at a school wide Christmas Just Dance.

And out of all of those, there is always something about my work I could change.

My Time Management.

I’m proud of most of my work, and I put a lot of effort into it. But sometimes when it comes to PLP work, I loose my sense of time management.

As me, I think that it’s important to balance school and life. We spend 6-8 hours a day at school. We also receive homework most days. And sometimes it’s not hard to be halfway through something and saying “yeah I’ll take a 15 minute break”, and then find that it’s 11:15pm and you need to go sleep so you don’t kill someone in Humanities tomorrow.

Then there is “after school activities”. Even with just; Swimming, Pathfinders, and Jazz Band, getting the amount of homework I need done on days with after-school activities can be hard.

It gets difficult to balance after-school activities, breaks, and hobbies (like art, reading, music, ext.) with homework and schoolwork.

And that’s something I want to work on for the rest of the year. Balancing school life and personal life.


How Will I Accomplish This?

I will create a timetable/schedule for each week, showing how I can manage time on my extra curricular days and on the weekends.




What Goals Do I Have For The Rest of The Year?

Throughout this post I have been talking about things I have struggled with and how I can improve on those things. Now it’s time for me to break them down and list them, along with how I plan on working on them.


1a) Understanding Math Better

1b) Ask questions, hopefully by the end of the year, be comfortable enough at asking questions to ask teachers and not just peers questions.


2a) Get Back Into Taking Up Leadership Goals

2b) Same thing as last year, work up courage to take places in leadership roles in group projects lowly. I’ve done it before, I can do it again.


3a) Balancing School Life & Personal Life

3b) I will probably create a timetable/schedule for each week, showing how I can manage time on my extra curricular days and on the weekends.



Conclusion Question:

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