🌲Hello and welcome back to another post! Today I will be reflecting on my experience during the most recent PLP spring exhibition. This exhibition was my favourite one to participate in: I am very proud of my final products and… Continue Reading →
🌲 How can I showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared me to advance to the next grade?🌲
🌲 How has fear been used as a political, defensive, and cultural tool to shape our society? 🌲
🌲How can we use a formal debate to convince an audience we’re right?🌲
🌲 How did the Development of the Atomic Bomb Change the World?🌲
🌲How can we use the Power of Written Text to Inspire the new PLP 8 Learners?🌲
🌲 In this post you will find some advice for a PLP grade 8 student, as a part of the project “Mightier than the sword” 🌲
🌲 I’ve been terrified lately because this next Grade 10 school year will be pretty crazy for me. I’m about to embark on an adventure that definitely requires a lot of bravery, and I’m extremely excited.🌲
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