- Over the last couple of months our class has been doing an advertising unit. We started back in September and were assigned groups to interview a company in the cove. My group consisted of three other people, Emily, Ciara, Brenton, and myself. So we got started and called a company called room six https://room6.com turns out there manager/owner went to a wedding just the day before. That didn’t stop us and we called another company but got denied again. Again we called another company and another and another. We ended up getting denied nine times before we called deep water micro eatery http://deepwatermicroeatery.ca/, they said yes.
So, our group happily arranged to interview them on that Thursday at three fifteen. So then the next day we went to deepwater for the interview. We got to the place which gives of a kinda chill vibe and went in. We waited for the owner/manager Seth to come out. Meanwhile we were given some water and offered drinks. Then Seth came to us and answered our questions, before we could finished he went of to help another customer. We didn’t mind waiting but when he got back he brought us a plate of fries. That was a message to us on how involved in the community that little place was. So with the information and semi full stomachs we said our goodbyes and thank you’s.
The next day we started are ad draft one and lets be real here my was trash. My first ad had terrible visuals and no call to action. I don’t have a picture of it. Finally I got critique for it and I completely changed my ad. My draft two was so much better. Then I kept going and redid more drafts until my teacher announced that we as a class would be going to pound and grain an advertising agency that has done many ads for big companies. My teacher also said that they would critique our ads. With that in mind we did some editing to our ads. Our group decided to vote on whose ad to use, and surprisingly they chose mine. Then we went to pound and grain. https://poundandgrain.com
We got of the bus near Chinatown and lined up outside pound and grain. We were reminded about how to be on our best behaviour and all that junk then we went in. Pound and grain had modern architecture but it had really cool retro decor. We went into a conference room were three very nice ladies greeted us. Then we got to listen to what they have done over the years and how they advertise. After that we split up into two groups and they critiqued our ads one group at a time. Our group went first and they had some really helpful tips on what to do. With my ad first they said to maybe brighten it up a bit because colour is very big in advertising. Second they said I had text and a nice picture of deep cove so they said to blur one out either the text or the picture. Third and finally they said to really try to aim for a target audience either younger or older or even both. With that we left to get to school.
with all that in mind the next day we started our final draft. I added everything I thought would be necessary from the pound and grain feedback. And I came out with this. This project has taught me so much on advertising. Before I went in to this project I knew nothing about advertising and I only now relise that advertising is very hard and it demands perfection.
That is my story on pound and grain and the deep cove company. Thanks for reading, post soon.