Everyday objects!

this post is about everyday objects photographed and Personalized. We also had to do a photo walk in some place we knew. This was one of our many maker projects and it was quite fun. we started in class when my teacher said to find an everyday to photograph. I used my toy car that […]

The week five blogging challenge

Hi this is week five of the student blogging challenge. This week is all about similarities and differences. For my week five blogging challenge is made a google form with the question what is you favourite sport. Here is the link, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdE7Q-tJKkS3m8tggZnOGSpSX-9g4EMcaQNU7m5c92ucT63lQ/viewform This is is my week five five blogging challenge comment what you chose in […]