The TPOLS are highly scary meetings with your one or two of the PLP teachers interview about the entire year. This if you have read some of my other posts you would have seen the MPOLS. This TPOLS is exactly like the mPOLS but it is about the entire year. This blog will be a little shorter than the mPOLS post and it will only focus on more main projects.

At the start of the year in humanities we started of with the advertising unit. This unit started by advertising in our own community. Our group was denied nine times then finally got accepted by Deep water micro eatery. Then after we did a couple of drafts for the deep water. Then we went to the advertising agency called pound and grain. Then we did a final draft and that was the end of the local advertising unit. Here is a link to the first ad project.

The second project we did was relatively the same but with different companies and on a more detailed scale. The adverts we did this time were for a Washington restaurant called Clark’s diner. This was a old fashion burger place and they again were very helpful. If you want to know about the entire project here is a link. That was then the end of the advertising unit. It is time for the religion unit.

This next unit is very long and the paragraph for it will be very short but I will link a blog post here. The main thing I got out of this unit was that religion has shaped our world in many ways but it has also shaped our own personal worldview just as much.

the next unit is the crusade unit/the end of the world unit. Again I will link the blogs here. We started again by learning about the crusades and doing some worksheets. Then we did the book report on the book of the lion. This was a book about a boy crusader who went to war. Then it was time for the final project in this unit, the song. We had to make a song about our transition from grade seven to grade eight. This was torture and we had to sing a song if you want to hear some terrible singing click the link above.

The next project we did was the small but fun argh matey unit. This unit introduced us colonization and exploration. In this unit we had to for the final project make a comic book about a certain explorer. Our explorer was Blackbeard and our end draft was really cool.

the final unit for humanities was the colonizing in a tempest unit. In this unit we had to study two things in preparation for the final product a series of tableau. This started with a bunch of studying and learning about New France and then we had to learn about Shakespeare. This all didn’t take long but it was fun. Before we knew it we were in costumes and rehearsing for the big play. This was super fun and on the final night we all were having fun and glad all the units were done. Here is the link to the blog for more on the matter.

now for the maker portion. This is a only PLP course and it focuses on tech and the iPads. We started the year with a photography unit and work on photos link to blog. The main concept I got out of this unit was how to use photos. Link.

The next unit was again the same as the religion unit. This unit gave us time for our exhibition project. If you want more on this project here is the link.

The next unit we did was the destination imagination unit. There were two posts on this matter so they are linked here and here. This was a huge project and it took a long time and had two competitions. Our group was in the improv challenge and it was very fun and it took a little less heavy lifting than the other groups. The main ideas I got out of this was teamwork in a important school project.

The final maker project is the blue sky exhibition. We are still working on this so the post is not here yet. So far this has been a fun project and it has been interesting. It has taught me about the launch milestones and how the help a lot when it come to making a product.

the next subject I’m going to talk about is Scimatics. This is a PLP subject and it is science and math. The first unit we did was the geology unit. This had one of the most significant projects. We did a project on one of the more famous earthquakes that has happened in recent history. I did the Alaskan earthquake. Then we did another project which was a children’s book on earthquakes. If you want a really detailed paragraph on this check the Scimatics portion of this post. We did math but with no huge projects. The next unit for science we did viruses. Then the final project we are doing a telescope project for the spring exhibition.

The final subject I’m going to talk about is PGP. This is a new course for PLP and it is interesting. For PGP we have started by doing meetings. Then we did the forms and the dream board. Now we did the seven habits and goal setting. The final project is the time machine. Here is the blog post.

that is my TPOLS blog post. Have a great day!.

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