Confederation Commercial

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today we are back at it again with a humanities post. Like the past unit this has been a short but sweet little unit that got us information in a short unit. This project was called confederation commercial. This was a project on Canadian confederation. We were divided into groups and each group was given a colony that would eventually join canada. The task for the groups or “colonies” was to create a short video commercial that showcased the demands the “colony” or group has made to join confederation. Don’t get confused with real history, these demands weren’t necessarily put out there when confederation was achieved. The driving question for this project was “how and why did canada develop into a nation.” Now that you have a bit of background info lets get into the learning.

The first milestone for this project was a good one to try and learn a bit more about confederation. The task for this milestone was split into two part. Part one was to read and research on what factors lead to confederation.  The second part was to write one to two pages on what factors lead to confederation. The competencies being assessed where “Evidence: How do we evaluate evidence to decide if it is adequate to support a historical conclusion? Create: What literacy skills am I using to write, speak, and represent in the texts I create?” I feel I used the first competency by finding evidence in multiple sources and using that evidence to write a good essay. I used the second competency by typing and creating an essay that fit with the criteria and answered question.

The second milestone was a hard task. The task was to research our colony that we had been assigned. We would have to make a massive document that had all of our research. This research would go into the inevitable choice of confederation and the demands we want to see met. The competencies being assessed where “Evidence: How do we evaluate evidence to decide if it is adequate to support a historical conclusion? Create: What literacy skills am I using to write, speak, and represent in the texts I create?” Again I think that these competencies were used in my research and reading and work that went into the document.

The third milestone was another fun one. This milestone was our preliminary proposal. This is where our group first proposed some demands to the other colonies and the teacher. This was proposed in the form of a keynote presentation. Again we used the same competencies. Now reflecting on these competencies and looking back I think that our group could have used the competencies to create a better milestone. If you want to see our original proposals here is our keynote.

The second last and fourth milestone was a shorter one but a pretty straight forward. The task for this was another two part task that ended with our video screenplay. The competencies where the same, evidence and create. Now that I’m looking back I feel that we as a group used these competencies really well when creating this script. We used evidence and Then we created a good script. The one problem we had as a group was that we added to much detail and we where going over the time limit stated in the criteria. This was a small problem but we still had to fix it in editing.

And now for the final milestone for this short and fun project. This was of course present and show the other “colonies” our final demands. The task for this was to create a short commercial stating the demands we made to join confederation. Again the competencies where evidence and create and I think that through these competencies and milestones our group needed up creating a good video. This video was based off evidence and then using the evidence we created some demands and with those demands we created a meaningful product. And our first draft was not good, it was too long and there was to much specific info. Since we are in PLP we revised and looked past our mistakes and using what feedback we had created a better video. Here is our final draft.


To conclude this was a short and fun project. In this reflection I am looking back at what I learned and what this project helped me understand. I leaned a lot more about Canadian confederation and what factors led to it and with that an understanding of what the politics and factors that all went into what is now canada.  I think that through this project I was most proud of my research and evidence competency. I feel through the project I got better at evaluating historical evidence. Then using that evidence I think I did a good job of making our project mostly historically plausible. So in the end I feel that I improved my learning and improved my understanding of the subject and the competencies. Thank you for reading this blog post and have a good day.


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